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Bulkhead 13/60 or 1200 or Vitesse- any differences ?


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Not that Im panicking yet but Ive just started refitting the dash to my 13/60 and Im having trouble getting the steering column upper mounting bolts to line up with the holes in the bottom of the dash. Everything else seems to line up ie: the screw mounts at the top of the dash and the 4 side bolts of the metal dash frame. It occurred to me that I bought the bulk head some years ago and was told it was 13/60 but never thought to check if there are any differences with other varieties of the same era ? Is this just a case of perseverance ?    :rolleyes:

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I doubt very much if they changed the steering column support through production. Apart from the obvious differences between saloon & convertible, the only other difference I know of are the spacings for the wiper wheelboxes.


I presume it's the Y shaped support bracket that is causing the problem? I can't remember if this is reversible or not, but have you tried flipping it over.

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Thanks guys, just to prove Im no mechanic. The reason I couldn't get the upper mount on was because the steering joint near the rack was seized on. Once I stripped that down and cleaned it up it gave me the extra 1/2" needed to get the bolts into the dash end .Panic over. Although now you've got me worried about wiper spacing - this restoration hobby is murder. -_-

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