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Indicators stopped working but hazards work

David Mather

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Hi, noticed my indicators on my Mk3 GT6 have stopped working but the hazards are ok. Tried a new flasher unit, no joy. Wiggled the hazard switch as I know there should be feed from this but still nothing.  Electrics really not my strong point. Any help appreciated.

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Did you definitely replace the indicator flasher unit? there are 2, one for the hazards, one for indicators. And if so, try swapping them over to double check the new one is OK (duff ones not unheard of)

Otherwise keep wiggling the hazard switch, maybe switch cleaner. And of course, the actual indicator switch itself/wiring connectors.

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Thanks Clive, now working but not too sure what resolved it. The replacement unit was definitely for the indicators (behind dash panel). I pulled a lot of the connectors off and cleaned all the earths again and again with the hazard switch. Pulled all the bulbs but noticed the rear nearside wouldn't flash when pushed back in the light cluster but was ok before when hazards on. Cleaned up this area also. Hoping a combination of all these things. Thanks again.


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Don't tell me about bulbs/earths etc. Putting my spit back together, in a hurry, for 8 am MOT tomorrow. Discovered indicators flashing fast, luckily traced to poor earth connection at the front. Then Hazards not working, but the hazard light was illuminated. Oddly it was the (electronic) flasher unit, been using them for years and keep a spare. But the old one had a area of melted case, no idea why. Anyway, sorted but expecting some other daft gremlin to catch me out tomorrow....

Just the seats to refit, but discovered the little rollers in the sliders are missing, have been forever, causing the runners to move about a bit. Luckily have some other runners in the shed, so they are soaking in oil to get them moving nicely, while the kettle boils...

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Not certain about your GT6 but, strange as it may seem, the hazard system is totally separate from the indicator system, except that it feeds the same indicator lights.  The switch cuts out or reconnects the indicator system as required.  It must be this way, because the hazards can be used with the ignition off, but the indicator's can't.  Try following your wiring diagram to see if you can work it out.

Although I knew this before, I am reminded because I have just spent over a week fumbling about behind the dash replacing both with electronic and leds.  I launched on this project when the alternator voltage regulator failed and sent excess voltage to the (solid state) instrument voltage regulator leading to clouds of smoke from behind the dash.  And one of the front indicator units had a bad contact due to rust, so wouldn't work after the bulb was removed .... and ... the contacts on the number plate lamp broke off ... and ...

... but it's sorted now.

BTW, my water pump still has a 5 1/4" pulley.  Thanks KevinR for extending my knowledge on this point.  Might have something to do with the failure


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