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Searching for Herald 1200 registration OUR 809D


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Back when I was 17 I bought my first car, a 1966 Blue Triumph Herald 1200 registration OUR 809D.  I loved this car and used to regularly take it to the South of England meet, but when I went off to university in Scotland in my 20s I left it at home in Kent with my parents.  My mum borrowed it one day and someone crashed into her and it was written off.  The insurance company paid out but also let me keep the car to sell for scrap which I did but a couple of years ago when I was idly talking about how much I had loved it my fiancé suggested checking it out on the DVLA website where we discovered that not only was it still in existence it was on the road.  

We then discovered it was up for auction in 2016 in Peterborough.  My partner did some more research and found out it never sold.  All we know now is that it has now changed to being declared SORN and we believe is probably still in the Midlands area.  The auction house couldn't help us with contacting the owners so we kind of met a dead end there and we have tried Facebook groups so I thought it would be worth posting here in case anyone knew of the car/owners and if they were still interested in selling it - I would love to own it again one day!



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Good luck with your search, the car has a reasonable recent mot history and not done many miles between tests

Do you know a friendly policeman ?? (Not the right way you cant say last seen stealing my dog. )  

Data protection gone mad has blocked most routes to locate cars for ordinary people.


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One hypothesis is that the advisories in 2010 showing that chassis work was required was missed in following MOT,s and is now on SORN for these repairs which if it’s a chassis off this will take some time. Have you contacted the TSSC HQ to see if your old plate is on their records ? 


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