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Left hand drive to right hand drive


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Are you talking about your GT6? Considering you will have to remove and weld in a new bulk head, would it be practical to cut out the battery compartment and the pedal mounting section and swap them over? Dunno, there's always unforeseen problems, my dad did it to a Volkswagen only to find it needed different petrol tank! The tank is at the front and doesn't change sides which means the RHD one has to have an indent to accommodate the steering column. :wacko:

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Thanks for the info guys

I was curious because I saw an advert on eBay for three TR6's for about 15k which needed restoring, but they were all left hand drive.

Here's the link if anyones interested http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Great-Opportunity-3-Project-Triumph-TR4s-For-Sale-/111688836245?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1a012c6495

It might be worth someone taking on the projects to make a bit of money or have some fun restoring and running these cars?

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I'd book an appointment with your oculist :lol:  B)  :lol: these are TR4s. Gold dust!  Any amount of money spent can be recouped, within reason so a LHD/RHD conversion is economically an option. TR6s similarly but 4s fetch more money, 5s the most. There are loads of them being shipped back from the USA, most of the ones you see on B-flay are LHD.

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