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Coolant Over Pressurising

Henry Boler

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Ooh, Lots to reply to!!
So to confirm, the cooling system is as far as I'm aware extremely clean. I've had everything off apart from the core plugs and nothing bad ever comes out and I've not got any blockages, I've checked the flow in every direction, including the block and head plugs. I even went to the trouble of rebuilding the water pump housing, cleaned out all the faces threads and tidied up the hose tails, chamfering the rough edges and checking the bypass works fine etc., the heater matrix is fine and the tap works perfectly too. Really thorough check!
The radiator looks immaculate where visible internally...
My gut feeling is definitely head gasket at the moment, the whole reason I have always had a sight glass fitted is from when I had my Spitfire and it would let me know when it was time to buy a new head gasket each time with a good couple of weeks pre warning of total failure! Air in the glass means problem...
She is still running very well at the moment by the way. No signs of failure yet from that point of view... So Like you say Pete, a compression test probably wouldn't reveal a lot. I could try though.
Re the air blowing coolant out thing, how long should I be able to run the engine with the cap off without coolant coming out? Obviously it's going to expand at some point and pour out, then boil as it's under pressure... When I do that it runs for a good 5 mins without more than a tablespoons worth coming out. It jets out on the motorway, give away is the coolant on the inside of the bonnet and over the chassis.
How full should the overflow bottle be cold? How much water should come out of the rad when hot?
I think that answered everything from you both!

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To add to that, I just drowned myself in the rain to have a quick look.


The sight glass has filled back up with water from the overflow bottle.


I took the rad cap off and managed to get a thimble full of water in, that includes pumping the bottom hose to help move water around in the system.


The overflow bottle is full right up to the neck with coolant.


Just a thought, what would happen if there wasn't enough antifreeze to water in the system?


Also is there a right and wrong antifreeze to use? My system runs @ 13psi...

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Its not there i need to fit one  !!!!



our cars use a glyco based antifreeze,  (Blue) never mix it with OAT (Pink/orange ) they react to a solid jelly 



the overflow bottle only needs enough in it to cover the bottom of the drop pipe,


or it sucks air   when sucking back in,  running expansion would only be a cupfull or so,   not  litres


too full and what  expands comes out the breather hole.


so it as little as possible  ,  the cap should have  a thin seal to the sprung washer seal just under its cap then this ensures what comes out gets sucked back in when it cools .


if thats missing it sucks air and not  the  coolant 


the GT6 has the unforunate header and filler which is lower than the high point,  all cars should run for months without a cap , the pressure just raises the boils point ,  

unless its like the GT6  when the filler is below the  head of the system then , i guess gravity lets it out 



just to say its raining here too



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Where is it then???
I see, so is it a problem that I have pink stuff in mine? It was washed out very thoroughly before it went in.
Okay, the overflow bottle does seem to fill itself up a lot, I keep siphoning water off it to keep the level down so it doesn't make such a mess every drive!
The rad cap I bought this week from Rimmers had a very thin seal on the top so I changed it for a spare I had on another cap, that now seals fine. You can tell it works as every time the engine cools down as the sight glass fills with water.
So if I could extend the radiator filler with a tube of some sort that is higher than everything else, I should be able to run the engine for ages with no air coming out?
The rain has stopped here now!!

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Just got home. Still got bubbles...

New thing though, the rear most external head nut was bubbling from the thread!?

Henry, Every day, I've been living this problem with you. I guess now we can probably guess the answer to the bubbling. Although it is an odd coincidence that it should happen immediately after flushing the system.

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Hum, bubbling from the thread? Now what could that be? :lol:




It's an easy and satisfying job, but make sure you get the right gasket. Check for a tab, or lack of tab, on the back of your current one. This signifies recessed or non recessed bores. Shouldn't take more than an afternoon. And get new nuts and washers.

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It certainly looks like that's gonna have to happen.


Mines a flat top block, no recessed bores. I never had any luck at all with my spitfires recessed bores and head gaskets!


I just worry, I think I did about 20 head gaskets on my old spitfire... Never really worked!


I reckon the GT6 could be done in a couple of hours no problem!


I assume that was just a bad block... Had everything else done and fitted the head a different way everytime, 20 different ways!!

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Not bragging but my GT6 has never blown a head gasket. Due to engine abuse by PO, a re-bore and re-grind. Due to ex-wife running it with no oil, another re-bore and a new crank. Means the original HG and 2 more in 42 years. The straight six is a very resilient unit! Do not despair!

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I remember your trials and tribulations with you spitty on the long lost forum


but with any head its good to clean it back to shiny, get all the black carbon deposits off with a hard block and some wet dry paper, even take the studs out , make sure the washers are flat not deformed



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I really hope the orange  coolant added  has not jellied with the blue from a previous use



oat + glyco  mixed   is said to  be disaster 




anyone got more clues ????   google gives some mixed views









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Yeah I hope not too!


If it's any consolation I have seen no such jelly stuff anywhere at all... It's been running the red stuff for about 5 years now too...


Update Today: So I made three journeys today, from my parners house to work, then work to home, then home back to her house. The last one was down the motorway for about 6 miles at high speed, I have not topped up the system today or opened the rad cap.


Changes to note, after each journey there was air in the overflow pipe, however the water level in the overflow bottle appears to have stabilized, there are no ferrocious bubbles coming from the overflow and also the overflow pipe / metal parts of the sight glass were cold. They have been too hot to touch in the past. There was also not coolant all over the bodywork from the overflow.


Just to put a spanner in the works! I love old cars, they're so mysterious!



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phew thats good


maybe drive her more to get the confidence the squirting doesn't  ............. re appear,


                         you may have cleared an air lock , topping up on top of one wont remove it , they persist.

                         but the persistent cursing and tea swigging may have beaten the problem   time will tell


                                  happy motoring     ...really    



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And another update of today.


Today started very strangely, car wouldn't start properly, which has never happened before, immediate thoughts were oh finally the head gasket has gone and a cylinder is full of water! Would you believe it, an O-Ring on the plug in the front carb float chamber had shrunk overnight??? So there was a petrol flood down the driveway, how this happened and why at the same time as the water problems I'll never know. Anyway, two o-rings later and shes running beautifully again!


Loads of driving done today about 4 individual journeys including motorway. Got out before switching the engine off and checked the sight glass, then switched off and continued keeping an eye on it. There has been no signs of air in the pipe at all today! It actually looks like it's working perfectly now! The heating has been working fine also.


I guess this was just a really stubborn air lock in the system...


I'll keep you all posted as time goes on. I'm going to drive her to Tadley, the other side of Basingstoke tomorrow, that's a good 50 min journey mostly on the motorway so should be a good proving run. Then hopefully the weekend after I'll drive to London, then the week after that Wales!


Night All.

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So I got to Tadley and back, but the engine was not happy. Struggled to start this morning and blew most the water out on the way... The engine sounded slightly rough at high load as well.


So the cylinder head has just come off! Looks like there are blockages in the water ports where the head meets the block. More details when I have a proper look tomorrow!


Got all but two of the studs out, they are very stubborn!



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