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Pete Lewis

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Posts posted by Pete Lewis

  1. an old trick is with it idling just load the gear stick into 3rd,  it will baulk


    if the noise lessens its just all the   gears and lay gear  backlash chattering away.


    if you  just touch the clutch pedal with a finger pressure and the noise lessens its throwout skid ( squeaky noise)  


    if it growls  its throwout bearing 


    all the boxes make a clatter and whirring at idle its supposed to


    if you get a clutch kit make sure the throwout is 19mm thick , many are 15mm thick and this upsets the angle of the lever 

    and you loose mechanical advantage.


    also uts the pins below the centre line of the brg and pitches the brg on the carrier ,,, sort of geometric nightmare


    solution  bodge is to add washers under the spherical post ,    puts the lever in its correct angle


    good isnt it,  !!!



  2. its not uncommon for these to be very tight ...heaven knows why it only needs to be hand  spanner tight not  wrenched up 


    often the only way is to get the switch component broke or cut off leaving the hexagon to fit a 6 sided socket on and apply some force.


    if you have to drill  ( use a thick grease on the bit) and swear to remove , take out the dizzy , insert an drill to the pump drive and run it so you flush any swarf out the holes 


    not advised but it can work ok. when youre in  the perverbial



  3. Yes sorry jets , down doesnt matter if its 2 or 3 turns down just gives you equal starting point


    same with throttles , get them fully closed and open each equal a ounts with idle screw about 1.5 turns from just making contact


    springs in dash pots these get changed for stronger to give richer running when on pancake filters etc

    The rev cable can oly screw into the dizzy base as its a lucas you wont have one so its redundant


    rev count will need to be ellectronic or change the the correct dizzy


    if that helps



  4. only the delco and a few rare lucas have the cable drive on the dizzy pedestal,

    set the timing to 10deg static 


    you only lift the piston a couple of mm,  just  a touchy feely job,  oik it up  to much and it will stall,  youre only looking for a 50 rpm hint of change in rpm  nothing dramatic


    set both needles 2 turns down from flush with the bridge,  then adjust 1/4 turn ata atime till she runs sweet.


    no gadgets or special anything  just use  the ears ,  easy to see its getting better or worse  with the  air cleaners On

    check no gasket obstructs any front face ports .and both have the same springs ....do you know what springs are fitted ???



    engine oil in the dash pots , and make sure choke returns the jets to the nuts 

  5. one of my area members has a Z3  ( !!!) which has a load of mildew, algae  in the soft top material 

    they have tried Renovo and Milton with out success


    anyone who loves convertibles  I would like to    'canvass ' any  bright idea's  ??? 

    any rude replies on a postcard please    




  6. Aiden,

    def fitnand forget

    get filetrs from CLub shop £4 ea get 4 for same postage

    make sure the o rings are fitted correctly down in the seal register they can pitch and leak


    have seen overtighend ones rip the thread and cast webb out the block

    the seal register is stepped easy to think the seal is seated and its not

    get down close and look , dont just stuff the ring in and hope


  7. Start with club shop


    depends on your mileage and how you use the car

    you can get basic 20/50 for around £ 8-10 or a full blown around £ 18- 24


    the addatives make all the difference to keeping presssure and life


    ive used the cheapo and found it could halve its pressure when worked hard

    where as fhe good stuff holds up without fail, gets what you pays for



  8. all gauges are an indication, but in general around halfway between hot and cold is if anything .... is  normal


    the thermostat will have a bearing on this  the normal for UK IS 82c  but there are 78c and 88c available these will change the normal needle position


    if its reading high all the time you may find the fuel gauge is also , this indicates the 10volt voltage stabiliser that runs a steady voltage to the gauges has failed .

    its fitted to the back of the speedo clamps ,




    hand books and manuals  are available from club shop    Ha !!   put them on your first wish list


    and carb dash pots take engine oil not 3 in 1

    stick to  20/50 engine oils with good ZZd's for old pushrod engines

    and never grease the front trunions  EP90 GL4 spec oil only  same in gearbox and diff  never GL5


    all other grease points can be multi purpose grease  uj, rear hubs, front hubs  



  9. dont know what car you have but assume its D type OD ??


    yes low oil does just what you are getting


    if that does not solve it check the solenoid adjustment


    take of sqaure cover on rh side,  operate the OD , you will see it pulls a short lever not a lot only a few  mm.


    in the lever is a 3mm hole . poke a drill through this it should line up with a similar hole in the main case


    adjustment is by turning the locked or stiff  nut on the pull rod.


    the solenoid can get corroded inside and may also benefit from removal and clean up and a touch of lube.


    getting the  2 sol screws out is a right fiddle on most as it sits below the chassis 


    best replace with allen key head setscrews, 



  10. back in the days of production and solving oil leaks we used Loctite 574  


    this solved everything joint or sleeve faced  conditions once and for all,  thats after years of testing every other setting non setting 


    this goes off when air is not present and makes a very permanent  leak free joint



  11. if you have a rubbish  thick diaphragm it wont help  


    they should be a very light and flimsy 


    they will  last for thousands of miles /years use


    old wrinkled ones that  have swollen with oil can revert to normal with a quick wash in petrol




  12. A pump oil can with some petrol in and squirt around the faces and joints, if the idle climbs its found a leak


    and it wont catch fire never use brake fluid, that can go up a treat.

    oil is less responsive

    some will think this a little mad but in the emmission dept I ran it was std bit of kit

    (Before H &S rules)



    This is all a bit odd, with rocker box off are the valve guides all in same place, no loose ones going up and down withthe valves ?




  13. The leads from the coil and condenser must be under the top hat not above it


    they need to contact the points spring and the top hat isolates all tree from the post with the nut on


    so from bottom up top hat , point spring eye, two wires on eyelets , top hat , washer, nut



  14. when we took the swinger off the vitesse 4 hole diff  to fit a courier unit it was easy to use the clamp plate as a jig to drill 8.3mm   x22mm into the case with a battery drill and tap 3/8"unf  it wont break through. 


    get the plate the right way round or the holes will be offset 180deg    who said that  !!!



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