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Posts posted by Colin

  1. Dear Chaps;

    My driver door quarter-light latch no longer click-locks.

    I can see the press-fit securing pin that is holding the lever on the unit (inside the lever where I reckon the problem is - probably a dog-leg tooth worn at the edges or summat, needing filing sharp again . . . ?

    But do you think I can punch it out to investigate??

    Not a hope. 

    I've tried punching it out in both directions but to date . . . zippo.

    Does anyone have a fool-proof method for me please? 



    13-02-24 O:S Quarterlight Latch 2.jpg

  2. Folks:- with poly-bush, body-mount kit in hand and with photos you have kindly supplied showing some of the washers and captive nuts used, can anyone kindly supply an 'exploded' diagram type drawing of which goes where, please? 

    My guess is the captive nut (with steel washer?) will be inside each of the tubular mount brackets, receiving a long bolt from underneath the side rail. Question is; are there other washers deployed in between the top of the side rail and tubular mounts?? 

    Sorry to be so continually ignorant about this matter. 

    Best, Colin.

  3. Appreciated! One of the two, supplied by the Brimmer Brothers, did NOT have bracing pieces and I had to pester them to get those. I haven't actually checked to see if North West Kent garage welded them in, yet but will be bearing that in mind - thanks for said reminder!😉

    Just for info, Chic Doig is undertaking fabrication of a repair panel for the 'B' post, sill-round-to seat-heel-kick corrosion that's currently there. Is welded to the 'B' post support underneath, apparantly.

    Best C

  4. Mainly due to the high Summer temps, I guess. Original 4-blade steel fan in place currently. And being in the S.E. there is always a huge chance, wherever I drive, of getting stuck in a jam for long periods. If she's running at tickover, crawling along in 40+C I feel she'd need all the help she could get - that 4-blader isn't going to cut it.🙂

  5. Chaps, have ordered the fitting kit as you know - just realised that (I think) there aren't any of those captive nut on flange pieces as shown in previous photos. I wonder what else I'll be short of . . . ? As you can see, I've not had thisjob undertaken before and the outside of the car is intact, so without removing the sills, I can't really see what fittings are involved.😀

  6. Hi Josef, Jon J1250 et Al;

    I have purchased and am paint prepping Chic Doig's Front Body Mounting panels (pic of naked panel).

    Now knowing from your pics of the positioning context, and looking at the holes in the mounts, will I need rubber mounting pads where it sits on the outrigger (?!?), Nuts/Bolts/Large Washers?? In other words, once this panel is in poisition, what are the fixings - from where and to what?

    I let the North West Kent garage have £100's worth of Rimmer fitting kit and did not secure its rescue when I came away from them. I'm not keen to have to shell out another £100 for the same kit, with half of it already having been used to fix what has been fixed with the outriggers & side rail replacements!

    All information gratefully received. Thanks again in advance. Kind regards,

    Colin (Herne Bay). P.S. Club Electronic ignition now fitted. She still runs!! 😁 Am about to fit LED reverse lights at some point in the near future - but have 'B' post internal sill-rear seat heel kick plate corrosion problems to sort (Chic Doig looking into fabricating a panel - here's hoping!)

    Chic Doig Front Body Mount Panels.jpg

  7. Hi Gents,

    Not sure if I am permitted to inform in this manner. But I hope it helps. I rang a well known Scottish bracket/panel & mount manufacturing supplier, following on from your previous advices. He has sent me the following photos of his front body mount replacement solutions.

    I think I'm looking at mounts on their own and alternatively, mounts attached to a complete panel for replacement.

    He states he also has 'A' post replacement panels, too. Currently trying to get pics of this/these. Best, C.

    Front Chassis Mounts Individual 20231025.jpg

    Front Chassis Mounts in Panel 2023 10 25.jpg

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  8. Hello again, chaps; can anyone please send me photos of the door rain drain holes? They were neglected to be created when both door skins were renewed. I'd rather not find the doors half-filled with rainwater, should I ever decide to - or get caught in the rain! 

    Cheers, Colin.

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