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david lewis

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Everything posted by david lewis

  1. hi all, i have a gearbox modified by john kipping to 4 syncro in 1996- i need to know how did he modify the boxes so i can order new parts,i think i need new bearings as the layshaft is suspect (rattles badly ) cheers
  2. thanks john- i will give them a ring when i am back in the uk
  3. the spring looks really well past its best and takes on a strange curvature at the end i.e droops badly when the suspension is hanging also the back end crashes over bumps even though the shocks are new. i think the spring has had it so if i am to get a new one i might as well go for the courier option as recommended in previous posts/
  4. i am obviously not as intelligent and humble as you john --please forgive me.
  5. hi all, i rang canleys this morning to ask what the wait time for a courier spring which they advertise as available to order but they said that they would have to wait for enough people to be interested for them to order a batch which could take a year !!! apparently they had a batch made last year which all sold so i cannot see why they cannot have a batch made as there is obviously a market for them. they will not order a batch until there are enough orders but people will not order them if they have to wait a year--catch 22 ! sigh.
  6. hi all , in the spring after replacing the gearbox am thinking of a swing spring conversion .canley price--£270 paddock £197 , whats the difference in quality if any? also the manuals say that the rear brake hoses etc need to be removed to change the spring but i cannot see why as long as the hubs are supported on axle stands or have i missed something. cheers
  7. hi all, i am selling 2 alloy rear corner bumper covers for a vittese plus 2 n/side front covers all in excellent condition. want 50 quid the lot collection prefered but will courier at cost. if no club member wants them i intend to ebay them. cheers
  8. i have just rebushed my rear radius arms ans stupidly did not make a note of which way up they fitted. does the bend in the arms go at the bottom or the top ? i am on a steep learning curve with this my first triumph and am not helping myself by making stupid mistakes like this,thank goodness for helpful people like pete lewis on this forum. cheers
  9. hi pete, i ggogled the question of settings and there is a answer that gives a table with laden and unladen settings for all spitfires which i believe should be the same for heralds or have i got it wrong again. cheers
  10. i have measured the rear wheel alignment today and it is parallel at kerb weight (+a full tank of petrol ) .apparently it should be 2mm toe out when unladen. anyone know how many shims it would take to correct it to save me having to put the car back on its wheels and move it forward etc as i have the radius arms off now for rebushing. cheers
  11. i think the parts that were around 20 years ago were of much higher quality than some of the asian rubbish around these days.
  12. thanks pete ,i will take you you up on your kind offer hopefully in the spring when i have got the box out,i am away in bali and australia for most of febuary and march so not much is going to get done over this period. cheers
  13. Yes I know about fitchets but am not sure of the quality of there boxes--heard some bad reports.
  14. there is a loud rattle from the box at tickover especially when cold which goes away when the clutch is depressed,its also evident when accelerating in 3rd gear. i have phoned and emailed mike papworth several times for advice and quote for repairs but have had no response whatsoever--strange ! so i may have a go myself. cheers
  15. thanks pete--the bell housing is still attached so hopefully no problem.. the box on the car at the moment is a 4syncro with bearing problems so i want to fit the other box so i can contnue to use the car while the 4syncro box will be rebuilt at my liesure. cheers
  16. just checked for the g/box number and it is prefaced gb so i think it is from a 1200 herald so it should fit my 13/60---is that correct ? heres hoping !
  17. so are you saying that if the box is from a early vitesse it is not a straight swop into my 13/60 ? thanks for your replies.
  18. i had the same problem and it was the matrix,i took it out and took it to a radiator specialist. you would not believe the crud that was in it--completely blocked he cleaned it out and full heating such as it is resumed.,probably not what you want to hear as it means a few days off the road. good luck
  19. hi all, i have bought a s/hand gearbox to fit my 13/60 which was purported to be good and came from a vitess but the rear flange is square. my prop flange is round,the prop bolts ok to the box so does it matter ? cheers
  20. thanks pete,to give you an idea of my families interest in cars when asked by our local garage what car it she was booking in for a service my wife replied --its a blue one (honestly ) !!!! and the rest of the family similarly disinterested so i have little chance of their interest or help. cheers
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