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About Mashby

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  • Location
    South East
  • Cars Owned
    Triumph Herald 1360

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  1. Thanks for this advice, very helpful. JohnD, not noticed it happen when coming off throttle but will have another listen. Johny, just replaced the gearbox and mountings renewed so possibly not that bit. (Although I think it was happening before)The noise does not occur when changing gear. Derek, thanks for this I’ll definitely chock well before any crawling under 😳
  2. Hi all, I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the right place but as I don’t know what the noise is I didn’t know where it should go! I appear to have a substantial “clunk” on my Herald when I press the gas rapidly. It’s only when I’m moving and is not linked to changing gear. Usually it happens when you are in a slow moving line of cars that suddenly accelerates and when I do too I get the clunk. The noise appears to come from mid to back of the car Its short lived and doesn’t happen when the car is parked and free revving or when travelling at speed. Any help in determining what it could be gratefully received M
  3. Very true, and prior to the new box going in it was a fibre glass tunnel with no soundproofing so it was quite loud. Much better now
  4. Well that spiralled off in many interesting directions! Thanks for all the comments. I think I’m going to enjoy the summer with it and then take stock. I went out in it yesterday with the newly soundproofed tunnel in place and to be honest, the noise is not that noticeable. So will the whine outweigh the agro of replacing the box? and from the comments, I could be in a similar position if I do replace it A decision for October/November I reckon thanks again
  5. Hi all Just a sanity check please. I bought a recon gearbox (reputable supplier) and it’s now installed. Works fine, but I appear to have a real whine on third when accelerating. I spoke with the supplier who has suggested it may need time to bed in (200-300 miles) Has anyone experienced this before and did a whiny box settle down? The supplier was quite happy to exchange the box if it continues so I’m not overly concerned thanks in advance
  6. Many thanks for all the advice. I’m now off to do some online shopping
  7. Hi, With the car in several pieces due to a gearbox replacement, I thought I would insulate the inside of the gearbox tunnel to make it a little quieter but I can’t seem to find a good provider of the insulation. Does anyone here have any recommendations where I could get some please? Thanks in advance M
  8. Thanks very much for the advice. (and hope you are restored to fitness soon Peter 😀)
  9. Many thanks for the advice
  10. Hi, This is a follow on to a posting I put up last year. I think my gearbox needs overhauling, it’s getting very noisy and will jump out of reverse. I have rebushed the lever, and it still does it so it’s definitely the box. Last year, I came to the conclusion I was going to continue to enjoy the car until the box failed. In the last couple of runs out I have also noticed an occasional (but total) lack of resistance from the clutch pedal so I reckon that will need doing too. I don’t think I have the skills to overhaul the box myself, so I’m looking for any recommendations for good companies who can do it for me. (South east, Kent or SE London way) Thanks in advance, I really appreciate the great advice that fellow members offer 😀
  11. Thanks 1969mk3, so to be sure absolutely, I’m going to have to take a look
  12. Thanks both. That’s really helpful 😀
  13. Thanks Iain and Dick, is that Blackcircles or are Blacklines a different company? Also re the tubes, I didn’t think they needed them, but they were fitted so I’m unsure. Is there any definite way of telling?
  14. Hi, I have to replace my tyres on my Herald 13/60. They are 145/80 R13 and they have tubes which will also need replacing. Any suggestions for companies that supply and fit (preferably on the drive)? I’ve seen that longstone supply but I would still need them fitting. Also as a matter of interest, how can you tell if your wheels need tubes? My first Herald, many years ago I’m sure had none and it was an older model than the one I have now Many thanks in advance
  15. Not yet. I’ll probably have to but in my very simple mind, if the latch moves up and down freely the door is open (I can see it) I assumed it would work fine when closed.🤔
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