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KYK711D Vitesse 1600/6 Convertible - Hood Frame Colour

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Hi!  Had my New secondhand frame delivered this morning!  It is in excellent condition but as a few light rust marks?  The colour is original and looks like a duck egg blue or a very pale blue/ grey colour (Cululus Grey)? is the nearest?  any Ideas?  As I might touch up or fully paint it Black to match the New Hood?

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I think the choice is entirely up to you!! My white Herald has a white frame, all the others are either grey or black. I like the grey, it contrasts nicely with the black hood, but the white also suits that particular car. Unless you're going for concours, I'd go with whatever colour you think will look good.

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Black will blend with the hood and not look grubby so easily. I’ve never seen a non black hood frame, but also haven’t seen all that many earlier cars! I’d guess they went black at around the same time as the spitfires, and that was 1967ish if I remember correctly.

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All hood frames up to the introduction of the Mk2 Vitesse were finished in a light grey colour I believe, thereafter a Satin Black colour was used on the Vitesse and 13/60 Convertibles.



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