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Vitesse 2 liter - cooling (and fuel) setup for extreme heat with no overheating

James H

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Fill your boots Steve, the more the merrier, no doubt someone will come along with a similar spec and give you a run for your money !

In fact as soon as I started I was regretting suggesting a 20mph start with the gearbox sounding like a bag of spanners, knowing what it drives like when using the revs its humbling how horrifically slow they really are with such a test, still it serves a purpose, hopefully...

P.S. the first 10 secs were spent gaining momentum, the last 4 were what could be called acceleration

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The self doubt is subsiding then ?! 'twas to be expected dear friend but who will have the final word ? Don't forget yours is at its peak, mine can only get better, a veritable diamond in the rough 😉

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Dont know about at its peak! Its the original engine + carbs with 80k miles on it and standard pistons. Reground the valves in its 1995 resto but they could probably do with doing again, oh but I forgot it has got a supercharger fitted but that doesnt boost much until youre over 100mph👍

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I was on my way to CLM one year, stopping the night in a forest south of Reims.  I got up early in the dawn for a pee, and wandered away from the D951 down a foresters' track.   

I was amazed when a boar emerged from the scrub at the trackside and crossed, followed by about a dozen tiny boarlings and Mrs. Boar!   They were only a few yards from me, and unconcerned that I was there.


"St Jouin de Blavou"     I know explaining a joke destroys it, but please - why was M.le Maire so amused?


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14 hours ago, JohnD said:

followed by about a dozen tiny boarlings and Mrs. Boar!   They were only a few yards from me, and unconcerned that I was there.

"St Jouin de Blavou"     I know explaining a joke destroys it, but please - why was M.le Maire so amused?


Boars live amongst us here in large numbers (delicious too) but for the most part keep their distance and are harmless, the only exception is if you confront or unknowingly block/trap a mother and her littlens which can happen around caves/gorges, its very rare but people have lost their lives walking/hiking. Its fair to say you got relatively lucky there John, in more ways than one...

Au contraire mon vieux, M. le Maire wasn't amused ... he was patronising Chris for his "little accent" implying his French accent needed work so Chris implied that his "little" accent actually came from the neighbouring town...

I personally think there should be an international law prohibiting any attempt at humour within say the first four years of learning a foreign language...

The only slap I ever received was from a lovely young greek lady within the first year of learning, we're still friends but theres no coming back from that !

Even when not trying to be funny, extreme caution should be exercised as again in greece in the same year I was at the front of a long queue at a supermarket deli and unwittingly asked the lady if she had a penis... even if she hadn't realised my mistake the counter between us would have saved me  🤪


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17 hours ago, johny said:

Its the original engine + carbs with 80k miles on it

Just to even things out a bit I'll try and do another more accurate run later today without the ballast, when can we expect your first time ? Continuing the banter... so when you got it back in '88 did it read 90k ? Mine shows a genuine 24k...

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18 hours ago, JohnD said:

They were only a few yards from me, and unconcerned that I was there.

If you aren't directly in line with their path they won't bother you, however if you are in their path you just take a couple of steps to the side and they'll go right past you. Wire fences aren't a barrier either, it's head down and keep going. They are classed as a pest here as they do so much damage. Farmers get angry will the local hunters ifr they feel they aren't doing enough to keep the numbers down.

7 hours ago, James H said:

I personally think there should be an international law prohibiting any attempt at humour within say the first four years of learning a foreign language...

I knew my French was getting better when I could make jokes in French with work mates. Also, once my French had reached a certain level they felt that they could help be correcting faults, to begin with they clearly felt it was too bad . . 


7 hours ago, James H said:

M. le Maire wasn't amused ... he was patronising Chris for his "little accent" implying his French accent needed work so Chris implied that his "little" accent actually came from the neighbouring town...

He didn't say it in a patronising way just curious, in fact there is a local 'patois', although not many speak it much. When we first moved here the farmer 'next door' a true Percheron was completely uncomprehensible to us for years, we just smiled and nodded occasionally. His wife on the other hand (also local) was a French teacher and was easy to understand.

The wife of the chef ( who we've known since we bought the house here - he was a very young lad at the time) at a local restaurant is from Toulouse, she is the one with the accent not me 😄

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11 minutes ago, Chris A said:

The wife of the chef ( who we've known since we bought the house here - he was a very young lad at the time) at a local restaurant is from Toulouse, she is the one with the accent not me 😄

I know exactly what you mean Chris, likewise down here being blatantly foreign is inconsequential in comparison to being Parisian 😄

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2 hours ago, johny said:

I bought it off a vicar with 32k miles and in all that time Ive only done another 50k - isnt that sad? I'll try for a run this weekend...

At least it'll last you well 😉

Since I wont have a chance at the weekend I just nipped out and did a solo run with everything out of the car and half a tank of petrol and things have improved...

20-60 was approx 12 secs average on a two way run along the same bit of road

30-60 was approx 10 secs ( more fun too )

I see in period Triumph claimed 0-60 in 12 secs which I also decided to test with a 14 sec average of two attempts but I know it can do better and gearing makes it irrelevant anyway.

Its trickier than it may seem to accurately maintain 20mph for a few secs before watching the speedo, timer and public road all at once but if it helps to determine a significant lack of power its well worth it...

Best of luck Johny, I'm sure she'll do you proud 👍


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Take the spare wheel out and try again. That'll shave another microsecond off the 0-60 time...😜IIRC,when Jaguar first showed the press the E type coupe,amongst other stealthy weight reduction, they had swapped the door glass and rear window for perspex ones to help attain the magic 150mph etc...


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54 minutes ago, trigolf said:

Take the spare wheel out and try again

Knew I forgot something Gav...

Even though any excess weight would probably have a much greater effect on rolling starts than standing I think 14 secs crudely attempted 58 years after Triumphs claims ain't that bad surely ?!

Johnys got himself into this situation, the guru with a car fettled to perfection vs the clueless sod in a lemon, we'll see soon enough...

New rule though, only people who submit times are allowed to comment 😜

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2 hours ago, James H said:

I know exactly what you mean Chris, likewise down here being blatantly foreign is inconsequential in comparison to being Parisian 😄

Don't mention Parisians! We're 2 hours from Paris and it is where the scenery starts to get interesting so they flock here to their maison secondaire. there are a large number of restaurants, shops, bakers who only open Thursday to Sunday _ guess why. Time for my fish & chip supper!

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Just in case the "elephant in the room" is my wife ( bear with me ) potentially being responsible for a 2 second time difference, please refrain from commenting because shes a geolocation specialist and I WILL tell her !

No seriously I had LOTS AND LOTS of tools and spares scattered around the car but I genuinely wasn't expecting it to make such a difference, its also a convertible and today I had the roof down and the tonneau cover on but everyone knows all the reinforcement that Triumph put into the chassis of convertibles still gives me a massive disadvantage...

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13 hours ago, Chris A said:

there are a large number of restaurants, shops, bakers who only open Thursday to Sunday _ guess why.

I know the feeling well, for you is that all year round though ? Here most of the commerce is geared up to work only 2 or 3 months of the year which is tragic really for us locals but at least it makes for some fantastic driving on relatively empty roads !!

Whats a typical summer like up there ? The Luberon is beautiful but the extreme heat is forcing our hand and moving further north is looking more and more inevitable...

Never wishing to offend trust me if either a Parisian or a local read my earlier comment about foreigners they'd be in total agreement 😉

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3 hours ago, James H said:

I know the feeling well, for you is that all year round though ?

The 'season' starts once the weather starts to improve and they have had their winter ski holiday, they then tend to stop coming down after the October/November school holidays. Od course there are some that do come down all year.

3 hours ago, James H said:

it makes for some fantastic driving on relatively empty roads !!

I'm lucky the roads are empty all year, well can get a bit busier during harvest time.


3 hours ago, James H said:

Whats a typical summer like up there ?

I used to say that we weren't a wine region, but now that is changing. You have to remember that Normandy is famous for ceretain cheeses and dairy products therefore cattle, which means grass, which means rain . . .

Luberon - far too hot for us

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