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Trouble & Coil


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Hello everyone, managed to rebuild me vitesse engine and get it running a treat, but have probelm with breaking down when hot. I've read the other posts about this matter but just wanted to double check something, so here goes.


Lucas 22d distributor fitted with (shop bought) magnetronic ignition and (shop bought) standard 12 Volt coil. now the car runs a treat for the first 5-10miles, then just isn't quite right and then coughs and splutters and misfires. Put a new (cold) ignition coil on runs a treat again until the coil gets hot.

Now I've read the other posts and it would appear that what I need is a 3 ohm 12Volt non ballasted coil, I have 3 coils to play with all showing 1.5 ohm resistance across the terminals which get hot and fail every time.


Will simply a 3 ohm coil cure this?



Thanks Hag.





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Sounds very much like you have a ballast type coil. I recently had the same trouble as you, not quite as bad though. Turns out Rimmers sent me a 1.5ohm coil...... :angry:


I ended up buying a coil locally (cost a bit more though..) and the car is near perfect now - just by swapping coils!


The one Rimmers sent had no markings whatsoever so no way to tell visually. I've read that some 1.5ohm have 12v printed on them which can be misleading. It seems manufacturers are just dumb idiots these days and can clearly afford to have a significant amount of their output scrapped with little or no usage just because they don't bother to label things or even manufacture things correctly in the first place.

I also had the issue with wiper blades I bought from the club shop a year ago, completely not fit for purpose, spent 10 mins max on the car before being scrapped.


Sorry about the mini-rant!!!

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yes for 12v no ballast its 3 ohm 


some ballasted coils are marked 12v being the base system  just makes for more confusion


ballasted   6-8v   has a   1.5 ohm coil


some alleged sports coils are lower   ohms, but the problem is the lower the Ohms the higher the amperage  and oints burn out condensers fail and electronic units can get fried .

we have one car running an Aldon and the dwell is over 60deg   its going to them to check this breaks and cooks  coils every 20 miles 


also worth checking the dizzy line is on the neg- terminal and the ignition feed is on the Positive+ terminal of the coil  this also gives you grief if its reversed

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