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Blown head gasket - how do I get it off?


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I recognise 0.375!  It's 3/8". The height of a normal nut. Half nuts are 1/4", two on the stud make 1/2" leaving about one turn of thread visible. I'll do some experiments today to see if I can get a crows foot in. I've still got a stinking cold so I don't want to invite anybody round while infectious.


I was on my way to the Thames meeting when my car died! We get about 10 to 15 people including some who no longer have Triumphs.


I'll let you know how I get on.



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Doug  if the nuts dont work then you need a nut with a wench ,  let me know but only when the cross on the door has been taken down ,,, had one serious bug this summer and unless you have a bag over your head im staying in a dull grey wet  Luton.

keep the flag at half mast and the pint half full  !!  hope youre well soon 


just been involved with doing a  ex member with dementia valuation on a Sixfire in bricket wood, so im on my good deed traveling this morning  and its got to be sold for support reasons  no idea what im about to uncover 


but anyone wants a Sixfire let me know i can pass on details 



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Thanks Pete, I'll get a note from my doctor!


I'm also thinking I'm gonna have to clean up the garage before I let anyone of an engineering background in! :o Sockets in their boxes, spanners in a row, debris off the floor and workbench. :wub:


Mark, the East Berks AO, is a sucker for a Gitfire, would it be unkind to tell him there's another one for his collection?

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just valued it at  3200  its good outside  nice paint but much unfinished tlc required and you could make it   A1 quite easy  

its all sound , but needs a weekend to double your money   no V5 as yet  no Mot  under a cover and no mice  no dizzy flat tyres 

 def not a shed .


hows the cold and stuck studs 



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I went through this with my GT6 some years ago and really think that the only way you will get the head off without damage (to you or the engine) is to remove the studs. I used the same extractor that Pete recommended. Once the studs were out the head came away with a few blows from a soft faced mallet. I managed to get a few (most) of the studs out with the double nut method but 3 or 4 needed the extractor and a long breaker bar to remove. I think I mentioned this on my gt6 restoration site at the time. Don't be tempted to try and wedge anything (screwdriver, chisel etc.)between the block and the head this will only end in tears. I am also a freeing oil sceptic but have soaked assemblies in diesel on occasion to try and release rusted parts.



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Procrastination is my middle name!


Conflicting advice over freeing oil! Some say use it, others say it's a waste of time, Anyhow I've been spraying twice a day for three days but I'm resigned to poor success.


I'm going to try double nutting again but unless they move easily I think John is right and the stud threads will be damaged, particularly if I use a crows foot with a long bar. So why don't I order the new studs and pull the old ones out?


So the plan is, try double nutting again this afternoon, if it doesn't work get the studs ordered from Canleys. 


My neighbour has one of these:




Is it any use? Concerned I might break it, but it would save Pete a trip!

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dont think you will break it, it will nagger the threads  ( but most might anyway) can be problem in restricted spaces ,

but with a bare head top has to be worth a try


but if Im needed Im available,, need an address if only to send the bailiffs round   Ha !  and  hows the cold ??? 


do i need a flu Jab ???



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Excessive freeing oil, nope, doesn't do it. Neighbour's wonder tool, basic design flaw, only touches at one point on the stud and all it does is chew up the threads!


Who said that?!! :huh:


Next door, ever interested, said "But how do you know the head gasket's gone?" Showed him, attached pressure device to number one turned engine, zero reading and, a jet of water out number six all over his car!  Feeling better already!


So Pete, what do you fancy for lunch?

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Good luck Pete. When I did mine I had to use a 1/2" drive breaker bar with the stud extractor and even then had to use all my strength to get the suds to turn. However despite this the stud extractor just left 3 small lines in the thread of the stud without the slightest sign of slippage. In my mind the only tool to use for this job.



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Pete and Mrs Lewis arrived at my house. Mrs Lewis appeared happy to check out my Dyson so Pete and I started on the car. Pete tried each of the 14 studs with his impact wrench.


Not one moved. :(


Pete said "Well this has never failed before! I don't know what to do next. Don't write this on the forum! Tell no one!"  :angry:


Pete thought he might as well try his second battery, all though both were fully charged. The second battery didn't seem any more powerful than the first, but the wrench churned and churned and the stud let go!


Eventually they all came out. Surprisingly none were rusty, all were black and shiny. All that we were fighting against were the threads in the block. Pete thinks they were screwed in this tight in the factory. 


One thing for certain, double nutting would never have done it!


We retired to a local hostelry and Pete has given me a list of things to do before lifting the head. If I can lift the head. :huh:  I have son-in-laws for that. :lol:


Many thanks to the Lewis's for their help and company at The Land's End.

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well. the studs are out  Phew!!!   what  a pig,   the shifts all impact driver didnt , well thats the first time its been beaten, but I guess it gave them a good clattering. but 3ft breaker bar on the extractor did after much Heave and Ho, big crack and out they came

heck knows how they were fitted , a long time ago, but all nice and oily no corrosion at all  so any more  resisting ... its not the studs !!!

Doug bought lunch  ( at lands end ) and we tootled home cross country on a nice day 


needless to say the heads not off as she's still full of coolant,   who needs studs  !!!!   but if it dont move now its not the studs  


I'll leave Doug th finish this off   I  really  began to think we're in the cak here 


but we succeded   and sod it he's got on here first   Ha!!!  a good day out 



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Thanks for the email.


Looks like it didn't give up without a struggle but at least it now knows who's boss.


I was going to say it should be all downhill from here, but that suggests things will get worse.

Then I thought it must be uphill, but that means it will be even harder. 

Let's just say I hope it's going to be easier from now on.



 Regards, Mick

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With pleanty of oil and paper towel stuffed in everwhere use a hard flat block and some oiled wet and dry

fine grade paper with the studs out you can now clean the head and block faces back to shiny metal

this gets rid of any black hard deposits ,

do a serious clean up after ,pleanty of oil and turn the crank to get the grott out from hiding down the bores


the new studs should have a slot down the threads one end this end goes in the block


double nut the stud to tighten it hand spanner tight ,


Youre on the home straight now,



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Thanks for that Pete, useful information. I can use all those tea towels that seem to have migrated to the garage!


No sign of the studs yet, but I can never tell when the postman will turn up, so could still be today.


I'll need to order some 20/50, still got three filters (Buy club shop, four for the same postage as one!).


OK I'm off to the garage.

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The head's off!!


Not much to see really,4, 5 & 6 have obvious water ingress 1,2 &3 have signs of rust splashes. A lot of carbon about. Bores look OK. The gasket has separated in several places. The head and the valves look OK, so far. All could do with a de-coke.


The good news is I DO have domed pistons! Woo!Hoo!


Out off wet and dry so off to Wicks/Halfords



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