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Fitting GAZ front shock absorbers

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I'm just rebuilding the front suspension on a GT6 and I am replacing the front shocks with GAZ items. When mounting the shock into the top plate I have a rubber bush either side of the plate but the shock also has 2 cup washers between the two bushes. It doesn't seem right keeping these cup washers in place when I mount the unit into the top plate. It seems to site better without them.


Can anyone advise if I should keep the cup washers or not.




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If you look at your top mounting plate you'll see two cup washers, one on each side pointing up and down. The rubber bush fits into these and the second washer then fits on the other side of it so each bush effectively has two washers. Sometimes they break off the top plate leaving only the centre hole, but this may explain why it looks as though the bushes have two washers in between.






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Thanks for the replies. What was puzzling me was that the GAZ shocks come with 4 cup washers. The 2 outer ones makes sense but the ones between the the rubber bushes don't. My top plates look like the photo above so I think I am right in not fitting the 2 middle cup washers that came with the shocks.



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Did the inner pair have a step /shoulder to locate the bush centrally. ? Where as some the rubber has a shoulder,

what ever the basic design is it has to stop the rod fouling inside the turret hole so there is a washer or stepped bush to keep it centralized



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