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Spit 1500 centre dash ID size?


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You probably have an idea of what you want already worked out, but you can add additional gauges below without having to remove the slider controls. That bar is probably structural to some degree, even if only to support the dash or prevent flexing.

I'll post a pic - blame an unfamiliar Epson camera for the blurring... but I have quite a few variations of multi-gauge options, taken at shows over the years.



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Hi Colin,

 My gauges & switches are all software derived and displayed on a touchscreen.

The dimensions of the cutout required for the screen are: 

Mounting cutout, width 197 mm
Mounting cutout, height 141 mm
Overall depth 63 mm

The heater flow control is removed on my car as I have never shut the coolant flow to the heater matrix in 30 years. I do have a small coolant pump on the return line that runs on ignition feed to boost the flow.

The directional airflow is not a loss as I always have it on de-mist. Enough air leaks to warm the feet in winter.

"That bar is probably structural to some degree, even if only to support the dash or prevent flexing." I see your point, but I need the screen to fit as I have a few grand of stuff that is interfaced to this Screen.

I guess I will need to take the cracked top dash cover off and see if I can flatten the control mounting plate? Leaving it there with a slight curve should still provide strength.

I really need to get rid of this "flap" of metal that will stop the mounting of the HMI.







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 I've got the Siemens TP700 to fit. Windows CE6.0. I have a USB GPS module, a WiFi/BT module, an SDR for radio & a USB multi-axis G sensor. WinCE software is plentiful.

The PLC is a Siemens S7 1215 DC/DC. Local I/O is around 50 digital with 8 analogues I/O. The field, IP67, I/O is around 36 digital and 4 analogue, split across three Balluf Field devices. One at the front, one at the rear and one somewhere else if the local I/O is insufficient.

It's all 24VDC powered of course. I have a few 12V to 24V Buck-Boost converters rated at 10 amps output. Most of my lights work between 9 to 28 volts so no need to interface.

I've got loads of ULN200XA devices, so should only need a few relays to interface 12 to 24 and vice-versa.

Before I can progress; I need to fit the HMI. Will it fit? Can I fit it?



Edited by Spitfire6
Added the accelerometer sensor
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