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Drain Plug

Peter Bates

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another way to help any air locks 

make sure the thermostat has a jiggle pin in its rim , if not drill a 3mm hole to let air escape when its closed 

always refill with the engine idling 

add the antifreeze  then use garden hose via heater hoses to refill 

most air locks can be bled by opening a heater hose enough to let the air out 

GT6 are never easy to refill but a vitesse herald spitty should not be a any problem 


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19 hours ago, Peter Bates said:

Having located and removed the tap and body almost nothing came out. Have poked around with wire but without much success. Have managed to get a black gooey dribble but that is all

Hi Peter,

The passage between the cylinder block water jacket and the block drain orifice is very narrow and awkward to locate. I've found it easiest to clear using a length of stiff wire aimed somewhere between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock, prodding upwards in the direction of the cylinder head (if that makes sense)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: When flushing out the washing soda I found that I still had a blockage (in the banjo) That was a nightmare to clear out. Had to use one of my Dad's small wood chisels (sorry Dad) and a mallet to clear it. When I attached a hose there was a satisfying pop when the blockage cleared. Replaced the thermostat. Everything seems to be working OK. The heater works. Still haven't managed to clear the drain from the engine block.  I have decided to leave that for another time. The 13lb radiator cap didn't fit because the lugs were too big.

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5 hours ago, Peter Bates said:

The 13lb radiator cap didn't fit because the lugs were too big.

I had one on my GT6 for too long that was hard to fit and harder to remove; it was a 13lbs version too and I used to have to tap it round with a hammer to get it to release. Eventually I replaced it last year and the new one slides on and off far more easily. 

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