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Oil Cooler thermostat - which way ?


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Hi everyone, been away for long.... was in cuba, mechanicwise i saw crazy things out there, they are so smart and find ridiculous way to make those 50's / 60's car run. It s weird but it works ! i saw a firebird with a tractor engine....

ANYWAY ! I have to set up this oil cooler for my GT6 MK3 (don't judge me)

I need to set up the thermostat and just wanted to check with you guys if it s the correct order.

thank you so much for your help, and have a nice sunday !



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You seem to have it orientated as in the diagram, but which line at the filter adapter is "OUT"?


And while you have nice, swaged-end hoses, you seem to have cut them in the middle to fit the thermostat.

Use VERY good compression clips. Go for some T-bolt clamps.


Be careful!  When I first fitted an oil cooler, I got the connections the wrong way around.

No probs, the oil circulated anyway, but once the engine warmed up, the 'stat closed as it was intended, but closed off completely.   No oil pressure, a small bang and a road covered in oil.


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I am pretty certain that there is just one port closed when the oil is under the thermostat opening temp. If you like it is the return from the cooler (or flow, shouldn't make any difference) and then the oil can only flow in the short circuit back to teh engine.


When the valve opens I thought some oil passed through the cooler, the rest returned via the short circuit in the thermostat?


However, the easy but potentially messy way of checking which is the flow from the engine is to disconnect the hoses at the thermostat and turn the engine over briefly. May want the hoses in a suitable container, and coil disconnected. Maybe plugs out too. 

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 I cannot tell from the resolution of the photograph if you are connected correctly. But the diagram shows that the engine oil in pipe is the one closest to the HEAD of the bolt?


Does that make sense?






P.S. Blow into the engine in barb and air should come out of the one below or above it.

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