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Posts posted by johny

  1. I agree. Its better to go by the noise made when running ideally comparing it with another car with the same engine in known good condition. How many miles is your car showing Nathan? If you are convinced that the bearings are worn you could just change them for standard size replacements possibly doing it with the engine still in place.

    Regrinds are usually only necessary after high milages (and one or more std bearing changes), if the std bearings arent changed in time and have failed completely, lubrication failure for whatever reason....

  2. I find my hand occasionally slips off a small knob mid change and then the retry causes some serious crunches. Its not just the size but the surface texture as I found the original and wooden replacement a bit slippery....

  3. Wish it gave me 6 gears!

    I had a wooden one before but as I say it was quite small where as now Ive got a big one and its a much better fit in my hand (perhaps I shouldnt have started this thread).

    The top of the new one is curved so wouldnt take anything stuck onto it and if I try levering it off I might ruin the whole thing..... 

  4. Sorry couldnt resist the title as have just fitted one of these to my Vitesse for 7 quid. I find it a big improvement at 51mm in diameter cos its so much easier to grip and avoid poor changes. I know the purists probably wont like it (even I might do something about the number of speeds shown) but I think anything that gives my gearbox an easier life is a good idea...


  5. Cant see a problem with them not mixing but I have seen (expensive) recommendations to flush the system with silicone fluid before the final fill so as to minimise the amount of mineral oil contamination. Not heard of seals giving problems and wonder if there isnt some vested interest from a few companies in this field.....

  6. as we all know moisture can and does regularly precipitate out of the atmosphere without being near anything hydroscopic but yes we're talking about miniscule amounts in a brake system. However Ive never understood why the main car manufacturers have never supplied their vehicles with silicone from new.... 

    With non synthetic engine oil my engine, which runs pretty well, comes out black n smelly so I wouldnt want to leave a synthetic in there any longer.

  7. Hi, couple of points:

    I believe moisture can get into our systems via the breather hole on the master cylinder. This allows air (and any moisture it holds) in as the fluid level goes down due to operation of the pedal or even liquid volume change due to temperature.

    Fully synthetic oil is great except that it needing less frequent oil changes doesnt allow for the greater rate of contamination due to poor combustion in older engines....

    • Thanks 1
  8. well 'recovering' is not so easy unless youre a driving god but at least you can see what the limits are and how easy it is to lose control while learning to respect those conditions demand and avoid panicking.....

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