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Blown head gasket - how do I get it off?


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When I took the head off my GT6 I found that there was a great deal of "crud" in the block coolant waterways which flushing had clearly failed to shift. The deepest deposits were down that kidney shaped hole at the rear of the block and I ended up sluicing and sucking the crap out using a big syringe. It might be worth you having a probe down there with a piece of wire whilst you have the access to see if you have the same issue.



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New studs have arrived from Canleys. They have no slot but it's obvious which end goes where. They are silvery, the old ones were black. I notice Rimmers standard studs are black but their "uprated" studs are silver, so I think "uprated" probably means bought in from Canleys and sold for twice the price! 


Didn't buy wet & dry from Wicks or Halfords, Wickes stuff is for decorating and Halford's has some hilarious reviews on their web site! Their wet & dry is described as grit stuck to tissue paper with water soluble glue. :lol:


Found some wet & dry in a lovely tool shop down the A4, fortunately they only sell metric so didn't spend too much. 

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I've got the head cleaned up and it stopped raining today so I started outside on the block. It was going quite well but then my eyes fell on the water pump. The pump housing has two rectangular holes that attach to the head, to my horror I noticed that the smaller hole had what appeared to be a rusty screw embedded in the access hole to the pump chamber. :o


I got the long nose pliers on it but it broke so I had to take the whole thing apart and rod out the hole. The "screw" was congealed crude, but quite compacted and blocking the access hole to the pump chamber. Now I'm quite concerned as to what else is lurking in the block!


Had to take the water pump off and of course, that's the only gasket not in the gasket kit! More delay. :(

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use a cornflake packet ,  place over the pump. tap around  all the edges with a small hammer, a useful  idea to punch the bolt holes is use the ball end of an old push rod    ( or use the one you have )  if you happen to have one   dont need any abuse just a light tap will cut the card.



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The head's back on and all torqued up!  :lol:  Shame really, all those shiny bits inside, never to be seen again.


Hopefully! :o 


Just the manifold, carbs, water pump and tappets to go.


I could do it tonight but my body says "NO! Fetch me alcoholic refreshment!"

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  • 5 weeks later...

Don't you hate it when you don't hear the outcome!


I started another thread about what went wrong. Basically, I had a disaster, the wires got pulled on the Aldon electronic ignition and one came clean off at the sensor module. I suspected sabotage by the little lads next door, but to be honest I think it happened when I lifted the head off and dragged it into the garage, the wires must have got caught on the head. :angry:


The other thread was about the possibility of repairing the module but I concluded it couldn't be done so I ordered a spare from Retro Rockets in USA.  RR are much cheaper than anyone else and more importantly they sell spares. You pay in dollars and I had been misinformed by several people that they have an outlet in Norfolk and they would post in UK avoiding import duty. Turns out the misconception comes from their address which is Norfolk CT.  CT means Norfolk Connecticut USA. :lol:


In the mean time I refitted the old points and condenser and it started! The timing was out but I decided not to adjust it as the electronic ignition spare module would be here soon, wouldn't it?  So I've not done any extensive tests. Still got to get the block water drain bolt out and sort out the oil. I drained the old oil cold and put in some cheapo, I'll get it hot then drain it and put in the good stuff, when the spare part arrives.


And so I waited. :unsure:


Retro Rockets aren't the Aldon manufacturer and it took 10 days for the module to reach RR, then 5 days to reach Heathrow. 7 more days and I got hold of someone yesterday at Parcel Force who tells me the package has arrived at the local depo and I have to pay money. I can collect it once I receive a notification from PF which should be here today or tomorrow.   So 22/23 days turn around from the point of order.  :( However, even with the import duty it's still £50 cheaper than a new Aldon over here.


I'm sitting, still waiting, by the letter box. :mellow:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to wind this thread up. Turns out the Post Man isn't allowed to collect  money owed to HMRC. So I had to go to the Royal Mail depot in Reading to collect and pay for the  spare part.


It's now fitted and after a few nervous runs down to Waitrose, nearly a whole mile ( :o !)  I did a longer trip to Maidenhead. The engine appears to be running OK., temperature stable, oil pressure stable. Got home and lifted the bonnet to check nothing fallen off. Note to self, put the side panel bolts back on!


I lent across the engine resting my shin on the passenger side front wheel, "Clonk, Clonk"!  Wheel bearing!   :( So that's Winter jobs sorted out, wheel bearings, rebalance rear brakes, (auto adjusters not working) and new  bearings for the alternator.


It never ends.

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