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Herald Boot Corner Repair Panel


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As many of you know I've been working on my Herald 1200 for the last 9 months, and now need to look at replacing the passenger side boot corner where the rear out rigger attached, see pics below.






I have looked around the usual sources for a repair panel, but without joy.


Does anyone know if a repair panel is produced for this section, or I'm looking at fabricating a new section?





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I'm not aware of a repair section for the upper part and can't recall a repro part being available either.  I think it extends to the over-rider mounts, so would be a long job to replace the complete unit.


At first, I thought my Herald was rock solid in this area, but then discovered these boot floor wells had been filled 1/2" deep with a Mastic substance.  I think that just trapped the moisture in from below, the result is that although the floor in that area was rotten, the curved pressing on top remained intact.


Impressed by your efforts so far!



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Thanks everyone for your feedback.


Looks like I will either need to find a donor vehicle, or fabricate a patch.


I think the latter is more likely, but first I'll have to cut back the rust until I hit solid metal, then I can assess just how complex an undertaking that might be.


Thanks again.



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