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Wiring Harness

Black Cat

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Will shortly commence the complete nuts and bolts restoration of my 1977 Triumph Spitfire 1500.  What are the general thoughts on reusing the existing wiring harness or should I look to purchase a more modern with a new fuse box?

Not looking to add many additional electrical items during the re-build, apart form a radio and maybe upgrading the lights and a few other odds and ends.

If a new harness is recommended, where is the best place to get it from, hopefully at a competitive price?

Front nearside.JPG

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Upgrading to new blade fuse box isn’t difficult though does take time , planning and patience plus if you purchased new it would be for your original fuse box .

 If you upgraded you would be able to incorporate any ancillaries . Ive never played with auto electrics before but managed to add 2 fuse boxes each with 10 fuses, and added 5 relays. There are spare fuses for future additions. I couldn’t have done the upgrade without the help from this forum . There are several posts on this forum re fuse box upgrades

Hope this helps 


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