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Mk3 Spit Headlamp Bowl/Rims


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I'm back here for help....again 😁

Can someone tell me or maybe show me a picture where the screw hole goes on the headlamp bowl? I'm assuming it goes top dead centre but some of you may suggest otherwise for reasons I need to be informed of.


Any submissions greatly received as always.


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Sorry to recover this thread from the depths.

When I tried to spin the headlamp bowls to make the screw hole fastening clip accessible for me to screw into, the bowl wouldnt fit into the pre determined holes in the bonnet.

Can anyone help me with some pictures of there rims and where the screw hole is? I'm just not sure where I'm going wrong with this and seeing someone else's will give me a base to head towards.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give

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Sorry, I'm a little confused as to what you mean.

There is a headlamp bowl, the big deep thing numbered 2 in the diagram, which screws into the bonnet (through a rubber gasket), although I've sometimes seen them rivetted in. This can only fit one way round because the adjuster nuts need to slot into holes. This is also the only way that makes the headlight itself point the beam pattern correctly.

Then the headlamp unit (or sealed beam "bulb"), number 8, fits into that, again only one way round, and is held in by the fixing ring, number 10.

All of that lot bolts, screws or rivets directly rear-wards into the mounting ring on the bonnet. There is no problem with access to any of the screws.

Finally, on a Mk3 Spitfire, there is a chrome ring, number 12, which simply snaps into place and is NOT bolted, screwed or anything of the like. Granted a lot of the new ones do have a small hole next to a bump, that looks like it could take a screw. Also, if you have new (plastic) bowls, these have a small hole for a self-tapper that looks like it's where you'd screw that into. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!!! These are for use on a Mini, not a Spitfire. The fitting technique on the Spitfire is to rotate the ring (NOTE: not the bowl or anything else) until the little tag inside rests on something near the bottom, then hook the top of the ring over the bumps on the bowl. And then worry for weeks about it falling off because it really didn't feel all that positive. The original parts were a different design and worked a lot better but the new stuff will stay on if you get it right.

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I bought a new metal bowel from Rimmers with a metal flap with screw hole in it, and this is what isn't accessible when its in position on the bonnet. I 


I assumed I could what looks like a screw hole in my chrome ring to secure it to this bowl.

Silly me for thinking things would be simple! :) :) :)



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