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Herald Gearbox tie-bar?


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My 1966 1200 Herald has a tie-bar from thge rear of the gearbox to the chassis. It is not in either of my manuals. It is not obvious how it should be adjusted. Can anbyone advise please?




PS yes it has an early prop without splines.


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Thanks all for the thoughts so far. ( The oil is a controlled rust prevention system that most old cars develop ). I must admit to being concerned at the advice that if we don't understand what it's for throw it away. It must have some purpose in preventing end thrust on a bearing that is not designed to have it. It is very adjustable - if overtightened it would heave the engine/gearbox rearwards and presumably knacker the diff input shaft bearing. Is there anyone out there who understands these cars? David

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I reckon my1959 948 had this back in 1965  its is a old carry over from mechanical clutch operation to stop judder caused by engine shift


with hydraulics its pretty useless.


the fact theres only a rubber on one side shows its generally  to take up thrust when using the clutch, 


the adjustment would be to be just a neat static fit with no load or effect on engine position.


if the front engine mounts have no position control ( like a Vee in the moulding ) then you need this to stop the fan reaching the rad on braking hard 

or other similar event .if you see what i mean 




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Plenty of people understand these cars very well. I have never had that tie bar on any herald, and they were not used on any spitfire. Or vitesse or GT6 (unless somebody knows different)


I think Pete is on the right path, may have been fitted to early cars? and it got onto yours at some point. But it will serve no purpose. 


Worth checking th eactual gearbox mounts with that oil around, they may be perished. But where you find decent replacements goodness only knows. If the car is dripping oil, please fix it. I had a nasty accident caused by oil on a damp road, bikers get very shirty about it too. 

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its the engine mounts that control the dive of the engine, some are Vee'd so engine cant move ,believe early ones could be flat 

thats when the tie rod comes in 


not much shown on parts lists or manuals about this little option


I use Jizer, doesnt pong as much as gunk 

if only a small amunt needed even  bottle polyclens /brush cleaner ( not stripper) works well is the same wash off with water 




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whilst its not effectively shown in any listing someone somewhere wanted to restrict/constrain  forward travel , 

    so its put it back or take it off ....can we flip a coin ??


                     think this needs a early   OE  herald parts list to unravel its existence


the early pre 62 had flat engine mounts and this would back up the need for a tie rod, 

why on a 66 is ....these things happen !!! with mix and match part swops 



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For cleaning up oil debris I use a jetwash, gets most of the mess off. And leaves enough oil in place to stop corrosion. Means the driveway needs a good clean after, and I usually wait until the management has disappeared for the day. Biological washing powder made up strong with hot water is very effective at dealing with oil too, especially on the drive (but can attack tarmac if left)

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