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Desperately Seeking Spitty

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Hi - 30 years ago I bought my first proper car, a Spitfire 1500 BMX373T. I had her for a few years....cared for her, welded bits back on to her, even stripped and cleaned her carbs in the bath (yes, honestly!). But things changed and I had to let her go. I now see that for the last 2 years she has not had an MOT and is sitting on a SORN, so I worry for her. 

I am now in a position where I can bring her back to her very best. If anyone knows where she is, please let me know, tx

Any help much appreciated. N

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I cant help you find it, but what I can say is that when it's MOT ran out in 2017 it was simply SORNed - it wasn't submitted for another MOT that it failed !

From the MOT  records, there are a couple of failures in the last 10 years  that have been fixed and then a PASS issued.

There are no advisories listed on any of the tests that she passed.

It's quite possible that someone has simply taken her of the road for a couple of years.




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Hi Doug, Kevin - thank you for the quick feedback. Most helpful.

I did an HPI check and worryingly it says the car has been exported! Do you think that might be true given what you can see.....your detail on the MOTs is greater than what I have from the £20 Hpi investment.

Again, appreciate your input, Neil

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Could be in Northern Ireland, or else greater Ireland; a lot of mainland cars end up over here and the records on some of mine said 'exported' for a year or two after purchase.

I don't know if Ireland makes owners re-register their cars on import but up here we keep the UK number and work through Swansea.

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