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Where to route the Herald 13/60 rockerbox breather pipe?

A TR7 16V

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I just fitted some new airfilters to the twin carbs (and Mk4 Spitfire head) fitted on my 13/60 - the K&Ns that were on were well battered and I didn't think worth cleaning.

However, these new ones don't have a anything to connect the breather to and there's no vacuum take off on the manifold - didn't think of that, did I.

So, pro temps, the breather is just stuffed down the gap behind the back carb. 

It's not blowing anything at the moment, and I've got it up to full running temp like that. But what problems am I storing up for later?


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Possibly none beyond distibuting any exhusted crap over the surrounding area. Before the introduction of such things the majority of engines merely had a "breather cap" fitting on the oil filler. It was usually filled with wire gauze, and intended to be washed in Petrol at service time.


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"Goldilocks" pan scrubbers, make good Filters, You just need a suitable container. Take it out at Oil change time and wash in degreaser or petrol. (just dont re-fit until it has evaporated, or you get some "interesting" results).


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