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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Hi Richard , thanks for update , the rimmers non adjustable looks like the best option as have stand shocks on the front
  2. Hi Doug, the non adjustable sounds what im looking for - Is this the set I need ( see pic ) Plus do you get the bolts in the kit Regards Paul
  3. Hi Doug - many thanks for your input - Polybush fitting shouldnt be a major issue as all parts are on the bench - I didnt realise that the rears were not tapered ( still learning !! ) so will replace them - Is there a brand to buy ? Regards Paul
  4. Hi just removed transverse spring , and one side of the wheel assembly and driveshaft and stripped down completely . The Spring is in good condition though will change the bushes The Diff is still in place as this was changed 6 months ago with blue poly bushes Changing the Rotoflex couplings though condition was pretty good , the UJ had a lot of play so being replaced , all the bushes will be changed - A few Questions 1. Are polybushes the way to go ? 2. The dampers are the lever type - there is pressure when moving the arms and there are no leaks - How can I check whether they need changing ? 3. Is the conversion to Tele Dampers worthwhile as looks like an expensive option + some online reports ive read are not positive 4. The Wheel Bearing have a small amount of play - Im assuming this is ok as the front have to have play - If incorrect I will change Thanks in advance Paul
  5. Replacing ujs and doughnuts , I noticed the doughnut bolts had blue thread lock . What's the best thread lock to use. On flea bay there is quite a selection , with big price differences Regards Paul
  6. Hi just checked spark plugs after carb rebuild a month ago - I noticed oil or is it petrol ? on some of the plugs , heres a pic of the worst one. Still learning and would appreciate any input Paul
  7. These bonnet buffers are available on Ebay price £2.99 + £2.99 postage - expensive but if they fit all well and good - Received a pair today and the bonnet hole ( mine anyway is 6mm ) and there is no way the rubber stops will fit other than drilling the bonnet by a further 2mm which im not prepared to do
  8. Ive checked on line and pretty sure its the correct dashboard for the MK 2 - The ashtray being on the dash top The following link shows pics identical to mine and they are labeled as MK2 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=vitesse+dashboard&rlz=1C1CHFX_enGB512GB513&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUl43Z69zOAhXsKsAKHb74Cc4Q_AUICCgB&biw=1647&bih=940#imgdii=Q8KJRyxZNmfRuM%3A%3BQ8KJRyxZNmfRuM%3A%3BR6MmxVt4Cn0xYM%3A&imgrc=Q8KJRyxZNmfRuM%3A Paul
  9. Where can I find more info about the event at Duxford on 18th September ? Paul
  10. thanks Pete , I added the oil pressure , volt meter, the warning lamp comes on when the overdrive is used . Thanks for info Paul
  11. Thanks Richard - I didnt realise about the B post in the convertible , I was thinking that the head rest might hit the roof when tilted forward Paul
  12. I have a Vitesse Mk 2 saloon - im assuming the MGTF seats will fit as the conversions ive seen so far are for convertibles Paul
  13. followed this post with interest and on my todo list , re after market seat heaters, where did you source and is it practical to s till use Dynamo or upgrade to alternator Best regards Paul
  14. Canley sells them with 15/16 socket end , about £6, Paul
  15. Recently had recon diff , shortened balanced prop new ujs , recon overdrive & gearbox fitted ( The vitesse had a standard box before ) Just doing short trips and today at 60 mph the overdrive jumped out and wouldn't work again. This was followed by noises from the prop area as if the UJ bolts were coming loose or the prop catching on the body tunnel - this noise was not all the time only when the engine was under more stress . Travelling home I couldnt get 4th gear at all as if the gate was shut - so came back in third and guess what the overdrive worked - The work has been professionally done with warranty and is going in next week , Travelling home there was no further noise from the transmission area The only thing i have done is to wire in an overdrive warning light - What could be going on and is there any thing I can check in the meantime - I have removed the gearbox cover and all UJ bolts are tight and there is nothing loose / hanging off that I could see Thanks in advance Paul
  16. This is a similar to what I currently have Ebay Link would the stainless ones you suggest use the same end fittings Regards Paul
  17. Hi Colin , I bought the oil pressure set up second hand from Spitfire Graveyard and it was from a spitfire - Can you suggest a source for a thicker tubing - thanks for your advice . The oil filter has anti drain Thanks Paul
  18. Recently added a Spin Off Oil Filter from the Club Shop - Is this angle for the filter ok See Pic , Im a bit limited with the oil pressure tubing . Any info appreciated Paul
  19. The marking is Stanpart 308671 & V3153 Ive been told its incorrect - if so what should I be looking for - Do I need to change - my vitesse is not concours and never likely to be Pics attached Any info appreciated Regards Paul
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