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Paul H

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Posts posted by Paul H

  1. 2 minutes ago, daverclasper said:

    Thanks for that Paul, I like your tips. Mine have a few taps broken off.

    It looks like a neat cut out about the size of a tab on the bottle top?

    cheers, Dave

    Yes make the initial cut as per the pic then force the top section into the hub centre , then trim with scissors in line with the top of the remaining tabs Hold the section in a vice then apply glue liberally to secure 


  2. The Mintex 1144’s are now fitted to my Vitesse . The pads were metric so location holes enlarged to 7mm using these drills . initially the step drill then a 6mm followed by a 7mm . The lever was used to push back the pads to make the swop over easier 


    Just need an excuse to bed them in . 
    In another post did JohnD “volunteer” to compare the £10 pads with Mintex . If so more than happy to post the £10 pads to assist with the test 


  3. Hi stopped using the lockable petrol cap on my Vitesse as the sealing rubber had perished . Just had a go at replacing the sealing washer . Turned out to be easier than I thought . Remove the securing pin at the top , remove the workings . The seal can now be removed . I made another with 2 layers of inner tube glued together . Reassemble job done 


    Petrol cap rubbers are subject to mot check . 


  4. If you rely on a garage to maintain your Herald it will be a money pit . My experience started 5 years ago when I bought my Vitesse . I hadn’t got a clue and initially the car needed a replacement differential and gearbox . The cost of these 2 items was almost as much as I paid for the car. Expensive lesson learnt and I had to make a decision.  Cut my losses and sell the Vitesse or learn to maintain the car myself . Luckily I had joined this forum and the TSSC Club which has so much knowledge available just for the asking . I had no mechanical experience so my Vitesse journey started . You can get a lot of satisfaction with maintaining the car and there’s so much help when things don’t go according to plan .



  5. Hi John, welcome to the forum . I have a mk2 vitesse and added the rear bracket conversion kit available from the club shop which replaces the Armstrong dampers with vertical Gaz shock absorbers . The rest of the setup is standard though replaced , renewed the rotoflexes , UJs , wheel bearings and added poly bushes . The setup works well for me with a slight negative camber 



  6. 5 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    yes that is correct 

    yes  grease in the hub cavity is just a heat trap and doesnt lube the bearings so all is good 

    notice you have noisy grooved discs   do you like them ??


    Hi Pete too early to say . Currently the front brakes are crap because of cheapo £10 pads . Just fitted new Mintex 1144’s . One side to complete then I can test 


  7. I fitted a red rotor because of their implied  quality compared with the supplied black rotor arm . Comparing the 2 there is a big difference in height . The black rotor easily clears the electronics and doesn’t have any additional metal tensioners 


    Another issue with the red rotor is the brass plate is loose 😱😱 Red doesn’t mean quality any more . Check out the the video , I will revert to the black rotor using the red rotor as a spare after tightening up the brass rivet and shaving some plastic on the underside 

    One ? Does the Delco 6 support switching to points ? 



  8. Hi recently noticed my Vitesse mk 2 was missing a beat every now and again . I think I’ve traced the problem and looking for suitable remedies . I have an Accuspark Delco 6 distributor with built in electronics . It’s been on for a couple of years without issue until now . From the pics the Rotor arm is catching on the electronics . I think over the time the rotor arm has settled so it’s starting to catch . My plan is to trim the rotor arm on the underside so it’s doesn’t catch . Will this upset the balance ?







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