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Paul H

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Posts posted by Paul H

  1. 19 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    lve got some !!1

    have also  repaired one often the small roller seizes and the hook wears a groove in it 

    cant remember what i used but smaller than your M8 hex head 

    check the small roller has not worn the back of the hook or the over centre wont latch and it will always pop open  



    Thanks Pete . The small roller is fine now , Initially it was seized 


  2. Just now, JohnD said:


    A bush and a smaller bolt would allow a less hefty looking fastener, more like the OE, and less worry of wear on the treads if it has a short shank or is a set screw.

    Just thinking!


    Agreed , this is a short term fix as haven’t got a suitable replacement 


  3. 19 minutes ago, Gadgetman said:

    So.... plugs all look good, nice light biscuit colour, 25 thou gap, Oil changed in dashpots to 20-50, points gap re-set to 15 thou. Compressions checked all 160-169 psi hot. 
    Took it for a run and all was ok... for a short while...then when under load it hesitates when the throttle is slowly pushed down, maybe not a full misfire? What about a weak mixture, would that do it, remember I said the plugs were a nice light biscuit colour.....maybe a Vitesse needs builders tea colour!!


    Have you tried retarding the timing ?


  4. I fitted Huco in my Vitesse . Positioned alongside the battery 


    You will need an inertia switch like 


    works well for me 

    .I’ve protected the pump with an inline filter and a visible glass filter before the carbs 


  5. 2 Chassis bolts loosened by A post and 3 self tappers loosened on body tub joint . Roof bolts still tight 

    Body jacked byB post and gap now as good as I can get see pic . The Jack is in place overnight and final job is to add new packing which will be a mixture of Penny washers and Wellington boot washers 



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  6. On 05/02/2021 at 15:12, Colin Lindsay said:

    Set the rear tub on the chassis, align to the front tub / doors, and see how the gaps look with rubber mounting pads only, no shims or spacers. Jack and shim at the required mounting points until the gaps are as good as can be and only then, with the shimmed points resting only and untightened, inspect the other mounts to see if they're still showing a gap, in which case shim as necessary to close the gap but not to raise any further. Tighten to the bare minimum needed to secure the tub, not so much that you squash the mounting pads. It's the same way that I fit the bonnet; rest in place first, slide to gap, and only then line up the brackets, insert the bolts and tighten.

    That one may have been tightened without the required spacers in which case it will have been tightened right down regardless of any gap and won't have helped the body alignment. 

    Colin the gapping exercise is working though the spacer is currently 12mm and likely to end up at 15mm to 17mm. . I was planning to use penny washers . Or should I be using Rubber packing or half and half 


  7. 32 minutes ago, thescrapman said:

    Are your treadplates cut from an old freezer?

    Fitted by the PO , very thin and were held with Tiger Seal plus rivets . Impossible to remove without creasing . Not sure where they came from but look identical to Paddocks which would have cost £50 plus so have purchased and waiting on these from EBay 



  8. Update : adjusting drivers door gap 

    The chassis bolts under the B post and mid door are loose now . It was noticeable the B post chassis bolt opened up between the side runner and floor , approx 10mm . I haven’t removed the roof bolts yet and this still has to be done . 
    I added a 12mm packer ( alloy tubing ) to the B post and 5mm packer to the next chassis bolt ( mid door ) . There was an existing 3 mm gap already . To fit I jacked up the floor area by the each chassis bolt and inserted the alloy packers . 
    The alloy tubing is a temp fix and will be replaced by alloy washers when the door gapping is correct .

    The next pic shows the alloy tubing packers ( arrowed ) 



    The next pic of the drivers door is pre adding the packers , check the gap by the chrome strip 


    The next pic is after the alloy packers have been added . The gap by the chrome strip has increased by approx 0.5mm so the packers are working 


    I need now to release the roof bolts and increase the packing , my rough calculation is 2mm of packing will widen the gap by 0.5mm



  9. 11 minutes ago, derekskill said:

    Hello and thankyou for your thoughts on this. Pete, you're absolutely right about stopping the car getting nicked in the first place. Ang and Paul, yeh I suspect it won't make a difference to the insurance premium and yes, apparently it has a sim card with it. Why I was attracted to it, (apart from being a gadget in a box) they do say it is subscription free. I did a spell on a jury service a couple of years ago and met a guy who had a business where his vans had trackers fitted. He showed me his laptop one lunchtime, 2 of his vans were doing 100mph on the motorway, he phoned them up and gave them a ticking off there and then. It was the first time I'd seen it in use, very impressive. They wouldn't be the GPS's from aldi though... 

    Have you tried the Life360 app . I can track the missus on her shopping trips and monitor her speed , more important can have the tea ready for when comes home 🤗

    I use the free option , good app 


  10. Does the tracker need a sim card ?

    When I renewed my Vitesse insurance with PJ I advised that I had added a steering lock ( crook lock ) and motion triggered alarm fitted . Both these had no effect on the renewal quote 


  11. 4 minutes ago, Tanky said:

    Brill, thanks Doug. Club shop it is as I need another shed loads of kit.........


    Another vote for Silentcoat and yes the Clubshop fixing kit is not worth the money . I used draught excluder which is a fraction of the price , others use foam as a sealant 


  12. 18 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

    pleased you have found  its 4.5  a far  more suitable wheel 

    tyres go max at 155  to 165 

    i guessed at the figures but these sites can give some idea of how the side wall sit/balloons   (not the best site but as said not easy to find )

    mintylamb did an excellent one but its died 

    155 seems a good compromise . nice upright side wall 





    Mintylamb.co.uk is still up for calculating theoretical speed in each gear


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