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Everything posted by rulloyd

  1. Thanks all. This is very bad news! Now the question is why is there a gap? I'll take a picture later.
  2. Thanks Doug. But I have found at least one pic with it the other way round 😭😭
  3. I just bought a new autosparks GT6 Mk2 loom. I expected the new loom to look just like the old one but it doesn't. First there are fewer or more wires at some points and the branches do not branch off in the same places. Also, very surprisingly all the light connectors are spade type rather than bullet (as per the connections on the lights themselves). This would mean changing the connectors on the new loom which seems very strange. Is this normal or have I bought the wrong loom??!! The guy who sold it to me is very knowledable and swears its for my car. Confused!! Any advice appreciated. Many thanks Rich
  4. Hi all Wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Refitting my re-covered GT6 Mk2 dash and am baffled fitting the demister caps. The caps are slightly curved along their long edge and one edge is longer, forming a triangular end, each end of the cap. They have a threaded peg on each end which is off set towards the longer side (the pointy bit ). The metal frame of the actual dash pad slot has a cut out for the peg, again offset to one side (see pic 1), towards the driver facing edge of the dashpad. When I align the caps with the holes the obvious way around (following the contour of the winscreen), I get quite a big gap on the windscreen side running the length of the slot. This is because the offset on the cap is on the opposite side to the offset slot on the dash pad. No photo, sorry. This means that the only way to align the cap and the dash pad slot is to face it as per the 2nd photo. Surely this can't be correct???!!! Otherwise what could be the problem please? I will say that I had to replace the dashpad with one from a Mk1(or so the owner believed) but it appears exactly the same (and the late Mk1 and Mk2 caps have the same part number). I can't remember which way round the caps were when I took them off and I can't find any pictures in other cars except in the parts manual where they appear to be the same way round as my phot (pic 3). Interestingly Many thanks for any advice. Rich
  5. Mate, if you are 19, no money and you can't weld, I think it's perfectly justified. It looked like the origial after I'd done it and lasted all 35 years. All his comments are tongue in cheek. Pete is a mate of mine. 😉
  6. Thanks Nigel. Can't wait to get it back on the car (in fact refitting the windscreen frame depends on it!)
  7. In the end I was very lucky to find a Mk2 dashtop on ebay. It had been badly covered and when I took off teh cover I could see why. Somebody had screwed gadgets to the dash leaving holes and dents all over it. I carefully filled it using filler madefor plastic (yes, you should not use normal car body filler) and goyt it back in good shape. Then I covered it in leather. So pleased with the result, it looks REALLY good if I do say so myself. Anyone who wants any tips please contact me.
  8. Here's my mate Pete making making a replacement on my car (drivers side). The preious video (Passenger side) in the series is even more amazing (even if he spends a fair amount of time taking the pee out of my extreme filling some 25 years ago) 😑😑 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF4DMDYgYxU&list=PLj9GWtoWPbyC-8CdRztPyRoWs7FljO_Fq&index=10&t=0s You can follow Petes amazing restoration skills on my GT6 on youtube as well as previous Vitesse restorations. A very talented man. My car had very bad crash damage on the passenger side and a lot of corrosion everywhere else. He's nearly done now, fitting carpets next week 😃
  9. Ah OK, thanks. What do the Newton carpets come with in terms of a gator / finisher? Thank you Rich
  10. Hi all My GT6 Mk2 (non overdrive) has a chrome gear stick with a faux leather gator, finished at the top by a small chome ring - through which the gear stick emerges. The gator is sewn onto the gearbox cover carpet - which I presume comes with all replacement carpets(?) However, I'm wondering if replacement carpets come with this chrome finisher or if my car is unusual in having the finisher as I can find no pictures of anything similar, except as attached (an original Mk1). I managed to slightly damage mine so I am either looking for replacement or I'll have to have it rechromed. As usual, all advice much appreciated. Rich
  11. Thanks all. The one Colin references is a mere $150.... (he does have 3 in stock!!). Interestingly the smooth and the crinkly ones all have the same part number!
  12. Many thanks for all the feedback. The new ashtrays look far mor crinkly than I recall mine being?
  13. Quick question please! I notice that the ashtray for the GT6 Mk2 is sold with crinkly paint. You can't buy the dash caps for the windscreen demister vent anymore but wondering what finish they had? Black silk? Shiney or crinkly like the ash tray. Were all ashtrays crinkly? I can't see mine at the moment but I don't recall that. Many thanks for any assistance. My car is really moving on now. Just covered the dash pad in Leather. Looks ace! Rich
  14. Thats interesting. Hopefully it's not as bad as the Lady said....😉😉😉
  15. Is the forum aware that Jigsaw Racing has gone into receivership? Financial problems and ill health. The lady on the phone said that Mark is not at all well. She expects the business to be wound up within a month and they are not allowed to sell anything currently. Very sad. Mark has a cracking collection of cars of course.
  16. Hi all Looking for a GT6 Mk2 dash top (the plastic bit under the windscreen I mean) that I can re-cover for my renovation please. Mine is 95% beyond recovery having wrecked it myself already (long story). I've tried Spitfire graveyard, spitzbitz, ebay (been looking for ages) but nothing. Perhaps some kind, sympathetic fellow Triumph enthusiast has one they would be prepared to part with to help me bring another GT6 back to life? 😉😉 Or any other ideas? The GT6 Mk2 dash is different from the Mk3 dash top (which can be bought new) which is chamfered on the windscreen side (as are Mk4 spitfires on). The Mk3 spitfire (which you may assume would fit) mounts completely differently also, so it has to be off a Mk2 GT6 or GT6+. Many thanks for any help. (Desperate) Rich
  17. Oh, thats interesting. I'm certainly noted as the AO on the Areas page and I provided news previouly (by email) but I don't see that! Maybe somthing needs to be set up. As you suggest, I'll check with Angie. Thanks Rich
  18. Hello - I am the AO for Wirral - well, In fact I am the TSSC rep for a local Triumph club who have asked me to to register as AO in case somebody wishes to attend our joint meetings. However, I don't personally organise anything. The details of club night is correct but I notice if I press the email AO button, I get a random email address appear (it's correct in the mag). I'm logged in but don't see any admin privaliges where I can provide updates. Can anybody advise please? Thanks Rich
  19. Oh dear. I wonder why they couldn't fill them. What did you do in the end?
  20. Ah yes, Peter still has his white vitesse - although he's contemplating selling it. He's rebuilt many a Vitesse / GT6 from the ground up and It's great for me (obviously) that he's a mate, lives close by and is doing my car. Getting close to completion now though. Peter, Steve (the voice of the videos - also a Vitesse owner of many years) and I were out for a curry just last night :-) Video 10 is very funny because he takes the pee out of me.
  21. Well Yes, these decisions are a balance. My car has plenty of modern add ons. I've just had the sunroof remade in mohair & brakes / flex brake pipes are steel etc. But seems like the old servo rennovated is probably as good as the new servo so ideally I'll stick with it. I'd prefer not to do it myself this time and if I can get it done (seems unlikely) for £150 great!, otherwise, Lockheed here I come! I have managed to source some near mint wheel trims (rostyle variety originally from a Vitesse) so managed to resist the lure of alloys 😉 Anybody interested can follow my cars restoration here (10 videos):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj9GWtoWPbyC-8CdRztPyRoWs7FljO_Fq My mate Peter is doing the restoration for me this time - as he knows what he's doing 🙂 In fact his skills are incredible - watch and learn.
  22. Yeh but I would prefer to keep it era correct ideally.
  23. Probably my Mates bullshyte... I'll be following up.
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