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Posts posted by Badwolf

  1. The floor definitely needs as much protection as you can give it. Especially as it's under the carpet in a soft top. When I recomissioned mine 4ish years ago I lifted the carpets to clean them. The 1" thick underlay on the passenger side had disappeared into dust and the floor was showing signs of light rust. The carpet had got wet, not surprisingly, and held the damp against the floor for years. I was lucky, I had treated the floor and painted it with old style hammerite, but even so there was some damage. Give your floor the works. Wire brush, rust treatment and several top coats. Then hide it all under the carpet knowing that it should be a lot safer.


    • Like 1
  2. Yes, the header rubber holder rivets to the hood header rail after the hood has been glued around the main rail. It will be important to make sure that the 3 pieces are in a straight line when fitting as there will be no sideways play in the head seal rubber when you come to fit it and if they are out of line, the rubber seal will be dreadful to fit.

  3. Alex - I'm sure that between us all we can guide you through it. I fitted mine on my own just using the instructions that came with the hood but that was in the 80s and the memory has faded. I did find some written instructions from Prestige hoods if they might be any help. The main thing to remember is mark (use marking tape on the hood and mark on that) and measure. Measure again and make sure things line up before you make any holes. Assume nothing..like I didn't. My main mistakes were assuming that the poppers on the body were symetrical, they aren't. I didn't center the top windscreen retaining bar properly so it's slightly out of alignment. Others will advise, I'm sure.

    Prestige link....


    Go right down to the bottom for pdf link.

  4. This is not the site that I was thinking of, but it's pretty much the way that I do it....but with a right hand drive!!


    There is also this one but not filmed as close...


    there will be others who may do it differently. The important thing is not to crease the windows in any way or stress the zip to much



  5. Now, I am looking a fitting a clock (mentioned earlier up the thread), purely because there used to be one in the wooden dash. The hole had been filled before I got it but I veneered over it years ago. Now the veneer is starting to bubble over the filler, so rather than re-do the whole dash I put in a fag lighter, but now think that a clock might be a nicer option if I could find one. Now one has come up and the question is, does anyone know what size the hole is in the metalwork behind the dash. Yes, I could just take off the front and look, but that means the heater control knobs, the centre panel and the left dash panel...and I've only just put them all back!! So if any kind person out there has a 'naked' dash panel at the moment could you let me know the diameter of both the hole for the clock and the fag lighter.

  6. 47 minutes ago, KevinR said:

    ...... and injure some scrote trying to climb over it.

    Maybe if a few more enterprising judges, instead of offering compensation to miscreants, offered them large fines for trespass, criminal damage and the like, society could in some way get back to what some might discribe as 'an even keel'. Fell though the fragile roof - shouldn't have been up there, it's there a weathershield not a play area. Fell off a wall - it's there to keep the likes of you out. Knocked off an illegal off-road bike/got hurt on a railway line.....!! It goes on and on. Common sense fails when compensation lurks and there is always someone else to blame.

  7. Hi Dom. Welcome to the madhouse. Don't fret about your storage system. My MkIV Spit was stripped and stored in exactly the same way. 30 odd years later I am still finding strange 'assembly methods'!!

    Enjoy the forum, ask the questions, use the search facility. Don't be shy there are no stupid questions, we all had to learn and those like me will, continually, thanks to the wealth of knowledge, good will and talent here.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 03/08/2022 at 20:14, Josef said:

    On hoods and tonneau, check your insurance, it’s common for insurance to be invalid if the car is parked without the soft top up. 

    Josef - I was interested in you comment quoted above so, having just renewed my insurance checked the documents and was horrified to find and clause confirming this. This now means having to put up the roof everytime I leave the car or no insurance!! Is this normal for all policies and does anyone else take precautions like this? Page copied below, relevant section in red


  9. Maybe "Does the car smoke more than the driver?"...... Hey, pass the joint..man! (Can you say that these days?...In my defence I quote from the 60s or was it the 70s.. I don't know, I was out of my skulls for most of the time.

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