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Everything posted by AlanT

  1. Me neither @johny Not after 5 years of resto. Think I’ll inspect the ‘long form’ way!
  2. Doesn’t it ‘drive off’ if one wheel is on the ground?
  3. Thanks Clive. There’s no ‘clunk’ going into drive so seems more likely a driveshaft. The niggles post resto continue!
  4. AlanT


    I like the idea of hidden switch on the coil. Easy to hide a rocker inside the car. Will look at this. Thanks
  5. AlanT


    Hi All, What’s everyone’s fix for adding ‘no drive’ security to a Spitfire, given that they are less secure than Boris’s grasp of the law? On my old Morris it was a simple switch on the fuel pump circuit but not so easy with a mech pump. Thanks Alan
  6. Hi Experts. Is there a way to tell if a dud UJ is on the prop or a driveshaft? I can hear a slight rhythmic tap that goes with speed. Not sure if to ignore for now. Clearer now I’ve swapped to stock exhaust! Thanks Alan
  7. I might fit a radio now I can hear it!
  8. Well the minor niggles are almost sorted. Remaining are: a. A possible driveshaft UJ tinkle to monitor (faff of a job aren’t they!) b. Swap twin box exhaust to stock. I’d have loved the noise in my 20s…but in my 50s…Spitbitz are sorting out a swap deal for me. c. A @Badwolf seatbelt storage fix. d. Take for wheel alignment and MOT. Test drives have just been up and down the road to fix obvious fails (my 18 year old son loves the go-kart experience-not let him drive though!) The biggest problem I now have is seeing stuff like this and starting another collection…https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185368846207?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MR3iu0lkRBe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=MNcX2WCaSMa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I need another garage for a ‘cutting/messy’ workspace (won’t happen)
  9. And, let’s be honest, Triumph’s just look great. Stationary.
  10. Ah ha! This is my next fix then. So simple. Had held off to see if could get originals from scrap. Top idea. Thanks
  11. I’m sure the MX5 is excellent. But it’s nice to have something different to drive as a second car, that Feels more of an all encompassing experience. The only better driving cars I’ve had than a Spit have been a Lotus Elan turbo (incredible fun, pre kids budget) and a Boxster (incredibly expensive to maintain an older one if driven a lot)
  12. The one I’ve been offered is too short to be a standard GT6 box and it’s stainless. Suspect it’s the mega loud thing then! Will return to stock setup. Thanks
  13. Thanks. That’s encouraging. I was walking in Henley and a Triumph with (as you call them) ‘wheel barrow handles’ pulled up at the lights. It was just plain loud against the buildings for my taste. The pair on my car are ridiculous with the roof up! We will want to use the car to on long trips.
  14. I was at the excellent (local to me)SpitBitz yesterday lunchtime to collect sun visors. Was amazed at how many Spits are still being scrapped, some far better than my just complete resto was at start. Saw one with good bonnet, boot, and reasonable tub on a W plate. Tricky isn’t it. The parts are incredibly useful but the restorer in me goes ‘I could fix that!’
  15. I’m of the same view that points are fine. I’ve driven masses of miles in many cars with points. As long as they are regularly checked then all is well. It’s not as if access is tricky on our cars!
  16. Hi All, I’m looking at options to swap out the twin pipe stainless system on my Spit 1500 for something a bit quieter / suited to longer trips. I’ve been offered what looks like a stock exhaust rear box but with twin pipes, a bit GT6. Quite like the look, but is this set up quieter than the big twin boxes? If not then I’ll return to stock setup. Thanks Alan
  17. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384604573469?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=f6soLub8Rty&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=MNcX2WCaSMa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  18. It is possible to put the earlier plinth type light on the later bumper. I’ve done just that as, whilst not strictly period, the later button set up was (I guess) a cost saving. Personal taste. The plinth type lights regularly come up on EBay. Mine cost £25.
  19. AlanT

    Idle issues

    Good news! Fiddled about again & have it idling at 1000rpm consistently. A little fast but the problem appears to have been that the engine is quite tight post new bearings etc. I ran it a bit faster up the road (3000rpm) and it’s now settling down. Engine is rattle free, smooth. Of course a few more post resto niggles emerged whilst testing…Speedo has stopped (expect cable undone) and o/d stopped engaging (probably the switch I tried to rebuild as the new one was terrible quality). And I’ve omitted to install sun visors! Not sure about the twin box exhaust experience yet…great with hood down but v loud with hood up. May end up going stock. Thanks all.
  20. AlanT

    Idle issues

    Hi Mathew. replaced with new red jets.
  21. AlanT

    Idle issues

    I do have a return spring. Standard engine oil in the dash pots(was fine on my previous SU carb cars)
  22. AlanT

    Idle issues

    Thanks all, new red jets fitted. Going to go back to the start and retune the carbs again.
  23. AlanT

    Idle issues

    New floats and viton needles set up
  24. Thanks Clive. I’ve set at 26 all around. All part of the tinkering to sort post resto niggles!
  25. AlanT

    Idle issues

    Thanks. It should be fine as is a secondhand pump that had been on another car, has the spacer, but does seem odd that 3x sets of needles are being over powered.
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