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Posts posted by johny

  1. wow well if its definitely not u/js or the backlash clonk coming from the diff or gearbox gears as you rotate the prop back and forth then its got to be the splines and replacement is the only option. Saying that mine has some play in it (but doesnt give a clonk) and Ive been toying with the idea of making thin strips of steel shim to insert in the splines! Probably wont work or they wont last very long but I do love a good fiddle - as long as its cheap of course......

  2. when you say play do you mean radial or rotational? There will always be some play especially radially and I think it would have to be huge to make a knock so its much more likely to be something else such as a bush/mounting on: suspension, tie arms, leaf spring, differential, gearbox, exhaust etc

  3. well on a long run cruising around 60mph Ive had 34mpg (or maybe even a bit more due to the bigger tyres) but Ive taken a lot of care setting mine up. If you have OD not sure what difference it will make as it does drop the engine revs but also absorbs quite a lot of drive power. Fuel tank takes 40L but the gauge can be unreliable so yes a fuel can isnt a bad idea....

  4. looking very closely with a magnifying glass at the ring inner grooves can also give an indication of how much use it has had. This cant tell you if its no good but at least helps to put them in order of wear which can then be used to decide where to place each one in the rebuilt box - worn 1st, best 2nd, next best 3rd, worn 4th etc

  5. I still suspect that there can be quite a variation in how far the mainshaft protrudes into the input shaft which the original design can allow. Otherwise it doesnt make sense (unless the longer bearing wasnt available in those days) that Triumph went to all the trouble of uprating this bearing only to then make it weaker than need be.....

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tipidave said:

    Thanks for all the advice! I will take head to a local company for a pressure test and skim and ask about the other work. I am still a bit perplexed by the clean area in the no 4 cylinder head. If you look carefully it is looking a bit marked as if perhaps it is hitting the head... there is no corresponding evidence on the head itself so maybe I am over analysing it a bit. Just want it to be right!!!! 😀😀👍

    How much of a skim will you ask for? Maybe a little extra to increase the compression ratio.....

  7. Thanks. Ive attached a page from the TR7 manual that shows the single rail internals (presumibly the same design as those used in other models) and as you say it looks like there is room for a longer bearing. Maybe the original idea was to ensure there was sufficient space for slight variations in the two shafts positions due to case casting differences, thermal expansion, bearing wear etc.   

    Triumph TR7 gearbox.pdf

  8. but thats the point because you cant guarantee more expensive means better quality - I believe theres a very limited number of companies manufacturing spares for our cars now as theres just not sufficient demand so often theres just one supplying a particular item and you can pay a lot or a little for it but in the end get the same thing!

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