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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. 8 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    Well stubs are heat treated, shouldnt have significant wear, yes the race inners do rotate on the stub but as assembled with float 

    not any  wild rotation ,  all quite gentle

    the stubs are available can be a swine to remove as the taper gets a good grip  



    A bit like Karl's (Bordfunker) rear hub? Or worse?


  2. 2 hours ago, Badwolf said:

    Tony - The blob of weld was to simulate a spot weld, which in turn was to compare with the adhesive.  The idea is to chemically bond the steel and pop rivet along the joints every 2 inches or so to hold the joint while the adhesive cures.

    I am open to most offers regarding the actual job. It is just the testing to get the correct adhesive for steel at the moment. I am even thinking about the difference between a simple self tapping screw and a spot weld etc. I am trying to evaluate all ideas so the more the merrier. Criticism, ideas, 'wouldn't do it that way', it all counts to helping me and so everyone on the forum. The comments already made to me both by an expert in speciality steel and about the length of time that bonding has been used has absolutely staggered me. If what I am trying helps anyone other than me, I will be well pleased.

    I see what you mean now i have read the post fully   Duuuuh. It is going to be an interesting outcome Badwolf. It is of intrest to me about the different types of bonding agents there are, so i will keep watching and learning. It was good to know in one of your tests how brittle an adhesive is as some are strong but very brittle. Keep up the good work :) 


  3. 14 minutes ago, Badwolf said:

    In this day of violence, knifing and politicians who are only out for themselves I am all for a bit of fun, especially here with 'cyber-friends'. The first person that I laugh at.. is me. I then laugh along with others. Its a sad life, but its mine and its the best that I can do with it, in a sad and increasingly worrying world in which I live.

    There is a laugh for you Badwolf, we are all on the same side,  I am like you, i laugh at myself when i do something stupid. I dont tolerate the angry or nasty people in this world :)  There is no point to them.


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  4. 25 minutes ago, KevinR said:

    Just trying to add a little fun to the Forum to allow people to celebrate when they hit certain posting milestones. It's not a competition, just recognition for those that give up their free time to help others. If the consensus is that it goes back to "Advanced Member" for everyone who hits the 30 postings mark, then that's what I'll do. Personally, I think those who have hit 1000, 2000, 3000 etc posting milestones deserve some recognition.

    I will go with that :)  

  5. 2 hours ago, Bordfunker said:

    Tony, I didn’t go to the lengths of marking the orientation of each flange to the propshaft, just which end it came from.

    Given that this is a mass produced vehicle from the 60s it would be interesting to know if any balancing, other than the propshaft itself, was undertaken at the factory.

    The propshaft has small weights at either end, but the flanges look standard.

    As for the UJs, all the remaining grease is gritty when you run your nail over it, so not sure how long the needle rollers would have remain round!


    It was just the way i was taught as an apprentice Karl.... The chap i was under even made me mark the diff flange as well, both he and the garage were very old school. We had to repair everything if possible including water pumps starters dyamo's even leaking rads were repaired.  That u/j if it was the greasable type would have been cleaned and put back together. Same for brake shoes we relined our own....... It's a wonder i'm not dead with all the crap that flew around that garage. At least you could get stuff to repair things with instead of buying new chinese crap. :) . Good old day's... or were they??

  6. 13 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    No, it started off with "I don't really understand your idea that the flat part of the tyre naturally rotates to the bottom, the flat part is due to the weight of the car being no longer supported and therefore will extend the footprint of the underinflated tyre to a greater extent that it will when inflated" and more in  that vein. I wish I'd kept it.

    If it was humorous, it went straight over my head. In fact if it was humorous, it was American. Aren't we humourous?

    I think i would have written back explaining the pro's and con's of rotating the wheel half a turn so that the flat part stays at the top :) 


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