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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. 1 hour ago, Peter Truman said:

    it's daylight now  been to the garage the Motorbike fairing repair kit is "Plastex Plastic Repair Kit" info as attached.

    Regards Peter T131833109_PlastexRepairKitInfo.thumb.jpg.4a572b330a4184cf43d3f13eca6f7e25.jpg

    Have heard about this stuff, never used it but supposed to be very good.


  2. We found a rear end noise on a Stag recently that turned out to be the quill shaft brg. The noise was unbelivable, sounded like a wheel brg. But after disconnecting the drive shafts one at a time and even disconnecting the prop at the gearbox to rule that out... it was that little sod, no play at all and no noise in reverse..... As the car was a daily driver we just fitted a second hand quill shaft complete with an old brg.... It's been fine ever since. A lot easier on a Stag though.


  3. A lad who did gardening for me when he was 16yrs old (he is now 25) took more interest in my Triumphs than he did in the gardening. I just happened to ask him one day to give me a hand, he jumped at the chance and within a couple of hours had the suspension stripped on my 2000. He actually is now a farm hand, but now i can no longer do a lot of work, Ben has taken over and i only have to tell him once (if he gets stuck) and it stays there. He loves the mechanical side of things, but having trained in farming can't go down the car repairs route as it would be to costly....... So there are younger people out there are willing to have a go. Strangely he never plays on computers and only uses one for reference.


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