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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Thanks chaps. All good suggestions! Non-Member, if by "the feed to the gauge is usually not", you mean the nut right on the back of the gauge, certainly mine is not - it is much smaller. Cheers All. Now - how to find such a union . . . 🤔
  2. Should be the same/all through the varying joints required, I'd have thought . . . Not in this case!
  3. Chaps, Back from a trip to Geneva, where I was donated an oil pressure gauge (the chap knowning about my oil warning light issue not so long ago). Bought a Rimmer 'T' piece so I can keep the warning light alive, too. Now please refer to the photo. The 'T' piece end of the middle union shown, fits perfectly into the 'T' piece. The nut/pipe assembly (right) that will fit into the flexible hose which leads to the gauge also has that same thread (I have tried it both ways round). However - the nut/pipe assembly (right) will not thread onto the right hand portion of the middle union - it must have a different thread. I have asked Rimmers what thread the 'T' piece has internally - but they can't tell me - so I can't specify which union I need at any other outlet. Can anyone please tell me what thread union I need - or from where to get one, such that I can use this gift? Obviously at the moment, I am being sold complete guage sets, or piping on its own; and that starts another set of questions about which nut & thread is on the the back of the gauge that I'd rather not get into! Cheers as usual, all. Best, Colin.
  4. That was my after-thought, too!
  5. Interesting indeed. Not entirely sure of the nett gain, but hey ho . . . Guess it keeps the rubbers in one position; stops grit & dust gumming them up prior to next use, prolonging useable lifespan etc . . . ??
  6. Useful, Pete - thanks! Btw, I saw Brian Cox on tour recently who at one point dragged out an equation relevant to the creation of the Universe, the solution to which was . . . 42 😃
  7. Glad to have been the catalyst for the opportunity for the in-joke to be run out again! 😉😃
  8. Yellow??!!? 😲 Thanks All. I'll have to see if I can make use of what turns up having takennote of comments & helpful links!
  9. Thanks Badwolf! I note one of those previous link's products were in colours - red & blue. Sadly, not black . . . Worth watching!
  10. Cheers, rlubkey & Johny. Grateful for the supplied links. Am now taking a gander! Best, C.
  11. Here's the blade and stiff plastic backing I'd like new rubber to slip into . . . Should I not bother and go for refills??
  12. Thanks Gents, I am wondering if you are buying the rubber only - or the rubbers in the stiff plastic backing which sits in the steel claws of the blades? Because I was looking online for a profile match to my old rubbers that I have stripped out of the stiff plastic backing. But I can be persuaded to buy some with a suitably sized backing strip!
  13. Hi Everyone. I'm struggling to source 1970 Herald 1200 wiper blade rubbers. They used to be readily available and are easy enough to refit, once split as they are prone to do. It seems now one has to buy the stainless blades, pre-loaded with the rubbers. That's disingenuous, at best, profiteering at worst. Can anyone propose a supply solution, please? Best, Colin.
  14. "Only down the A2 from me, could be Beano time, remember those?" Iain T:- Yes, we'll hook up sometime, I'm sure !! I'm Hampton End of Hernia Bay!
  15. Chris A:- interested! From where did you aquire, may I ask?? Steel, or placcy?? C.
  16. Hi guys. I've now posted to a Leccy Fan thread that went on previously. My thinking:- if space available, leave metal fan but also fit Leccy. In the SE here, m'ways are mostly limited to 50mph & have loads of concertinering, often to the point of being static. Op Brock and other congestion often means inability to drive/move freely. So, if 'twas poss to have both, the one to augment the other to assist the fixed metal fan if temps climb when static there or thereabouts, then that's a Win-Win, is it not?? Best, C.
  17. Hi guys. Appreciate we seem to be talking Spits & larger engined Herald/Vitesses. Elsewhere, I've just written about my having read comments regarding adverse effects of electric fans. I bought such an item (Club) for my 1147 Herald Saloon. But haven't fitted it yet. My intent was to achieve the 2 main things one hears about, by fitting such an electric fan:- 1) Engine quicker to reach operating temperature 2) Frees up extra horses, no metal fan being turned unnecessarily. Now, I assumed both were mutually exclusive, but earlier in this convo, there seems to be a view that the car can carry both types - which seems to be the best of both worlds (I guess, space permitting). This, in the world ofmore frequent traffic jams and increasing world temperatures, the electric could/would cut in to augment cooling alongside the fixed metal fan, should the engine temperature reach such levels. No? Is having bith achievable? Best, Colin (Winn)
  18. "Ha, well the subject of mechanical/electric fans has a lot of history on here and can be hotly contested by fans (pun intended) of both" I need to trawl previous threads, I think! Save everyone a lot of Ag.! 😁 C.
  19. Pete:- I have no idea where any previous thread about fans is. I was apologising as CL seemed to imply another thread abiut the oil type issue exists! I can't even remember in which periodical the adverse leccy fan was - probably the Courier. A fabulous little real ale brewery called Goody Ales does polypins of their wonderful product here . . . Just the right size for a shelf gap! Oil AND beer! Best. C
  20. Apologies to Colin L for continuing, as these last few items seem to have other headings to be added under, but; Johny:- I bought a Club electric fan a while ago, but haven't fitted it because if some articles I've read citing adverse and offering less-than-optiimum performance for these little car engines. Is that what you were alluding to? C.
  21. Bad influences - the lot of you! Both it is, though!! 😉
  22. That sounds great! Now . . . Competition for shelfspace . . . Beer . . . or Oil?? 😁
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