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Herald 13/60 Boot Lock Replacement

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My 1970 Herald 13/60 came without a key for the boot lock (which I understand opens also the glovebox), so I got the correct replacement barrel and keys from Moss. Having removed the original assembly from the boot lid, I'm left with the top section, from which extends a square steel spigot, to which the original barrel is presumably attached. I can't see a way of removing those two components to fit the new barrel. Any thoughts? With thanks in advance.

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I am most grateful to both responders for putting me on the right track, but I'd appreciate a little extra guidance. One side has three circles side by side - see Lock Side 1 photo. The two outer ones are matched on SIde 2 - see photo. The small centeral one on Side 1 is engraved with the letter S. Which of the five should I tap out, and from which side? With thanks again.

Lock Side 1.jpg

Lock Side 2.jpg

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In your top photo, the off-centre one closest to the 111 in your clock-face background. You may find one side is recessed slightly and one flush (your lower pic shows what I think is the 'flush' side), so go in the other side with a pin, drift or anything else suitable and the securing bar will drop out the other side. The lock barrel will then pull out quite easily, or should - mine did. 

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One more thing to be aware of: that thick pin in the middle is the locking pin. As you rotate the key it moves out, or in, but if you remove the lock barrel, there's no longer anything holding it so it will drop out. You'll spend hours trying to find it on the garage floor so watch for it on disassembly and store somewhere safe!

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4 hours ago, PeteH said:

The key might be from the FS series with 2 or 3 numbers. I have a buiscuit tin full of the b*ggers. FS, FP, Et-Al. But none that fit MY car.!!


Ironically my Vitesse Glove Box Key is the same as my daughters Mk2 Spitfire Boot Key.

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