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Pete Lewis

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Posts posted by Pete Lewis

  1. but its made adjustable soyou can get the correct rear toe in  

    having a preset length is just a rough staring point 

    having a preset dimension is a hang over from production who never in any manufacturer like to have to adjust anything

    so preset lengths were often devised to save any on line adjustments during production 

    i remember on assy they set the steering box and drag links on 8x4 before they dropped the engine and cab on  ...caused hopeless straight ahead headaches

    and needed to induce a corrective error to correct it when cabs was dropped on.

    set the headlamps wthout locking the cab down  good for low flying aircraft 

      the manufacturers were full of these daft tricks 

    gear remotes are another needs to be set to suit but they always wanted pre set then fight the pudding and stick as nowt lined up 




  2. bit of vaseline works well

    and you mentioned ptfe tape      its not good on petrol as its a byproduct and many find it dissolves in petrol

    the alloy washers under the float needle will be fine fitted dry 


  3. they are quite dedicated 0 rings  yes they can be escape artists , most would buy kits from Burlen

    if you buy a online or Aldi box of hundreds of sizes none will fit 

    you really didnt need to remove the jet hsg to release the float chamber  it just slips over its  0 ring 

    pleased the floats right way up  did you check the 18mm height to the base dimension ??


  4. the spec is normally around the 2.5psi     

    so at 9 you will certainly overtake the float and valve 

    doesnt surprise me there have been so many reporting new pumps being silly high pressures 

    down to eastern promise copies with no regard to any specification 

    i guess if you can swap the spring from the  old unit .


  5. as a trial  cut  some packing   gasket from an cornflake packet or similar 

    anyone you can borrow a low pressure gauge from ????

    rubber sliver pests wont get in the float bowl they hide in the supply pipe and float about in the flow and 

    find their way into the back of the needle valves   small orifice.

    crafty little sods ,cause havoc  

    if the pump looks newish then excess pressure are a well known headache 


  6. Doug mentions upside down floats    yes 

    if the float has two valve operating arms they can be fitted upside down 

    there are pictures in the buckeye site to show these and which way up they  should fit 


  7. on the side under the air piston diahragm casting is a lifting pin ,has a small return spring  on it 

    you need filters on for this test

    while idling you carefully raise the pin till it just feel it touch the piston 

    then raise it 2mm

    if there is a hint of increase idle its rich

    if it faulters a little  its lean 

    if nothing happens its about right

    do not expect any radical change  more like a 50 rpm shift up or down 

    if you yank the pin up fully it will just stall   so its a touchy feely job

    as Jonny says mixture adjustment and settings have no effect on fuel levels and flooding 

    good place for pictures and how to is Mechanical Tech Articles — Buckeye Triumphs  carbs 

    this is aimed at TR but the basics are all relevant


  8. at last nights pub meet it was divulged that on checking his  Stags boot out to tidy up too many spares found the spare wheel 

    it was 29 years old .......it will get replaced 

    so dont ignore the life expiry of your spare , yes it will get you home but these need some consideration

    and age respect(of the tyre!!)    if used in emergency 


  9. if the needle valve was in trouble then fuel will overflow from the breather port in the front air filter face

    if leaks are from below then its chamber  gasket(there are a good few variants of this  get the wrong one and you leak 

    most kits have about 5 variants included    often corners are the change in shapes .

    any leaks from the brass jet holder or the adjuster are down to failed 0 rings 


  10. heck i get the blame for everything    Ha !!

    then if you get each cyl on its compression stroke TDC you can set both inlet and exhaust on each cylinder 

    one at a time  saves turning the engine so much .

    it will run fine with a big gap but clatter , a tight gap will upset the running /lumpy idle 

    a zero gap will cause a full misfire as the valve cant close fully 


    • Thanks 1
  11. air piston is located witha tag on the case and groove in the piston so  ...No  

    but you could get into trouble with a biased needle set up 

    went to a spitty in trouble and the needle sat in the jet when the piston raised  ,  just been left loose 

    but not easy to see (well with varifocals and false teeth  ha !)

  12. we havnt discussed fueling with the dreaded rubber slivers blocking a float needle valve created by fitting nastybrubber hose over metal pipes

    and on SU its worth also look under the jet tube spiral wrap to see if the plastic tube has a hidden kink.

    and yes  Dougs rule of 9 works well 

    the vac tube to the dizzy has no effect on running it advances at cruising throttles as its just an economy device .

    but if the spring in the vac diaphragm has failed  ti will not return the base plate to any fixed position 

    check with short pipe and suck  and watch !!!


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