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Paul H

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Posts posted by Paul H

  1. Hi Chris, I’ve got moisture traps at the compressor and the gun . I’m beginning to think the compressor might be at fault . I’m using 2k Epoxy Primer 



    Then Cellulose . I’ll try anti silicone and see if there’s an improvement . I’m very new to spraying and will try misting as you suggest 

    This is what happened when spraying cellulose on a sill for my Vitesse . I’ve started to flatten again before spraying again . The other sill was fine and fish eye only started when I used the Upol Panel wipe 

    Onwards and upwards and enjoying the learning curve 



  2. 17 minutes ago, Badwolf said:

    Hi Maggs - After 4 years I am still asking stupid questions (and giving stupid answers that aren't wanted!!), but this forum has saved me a fortune and several members (yes, you know who you are), have saved my sanity, well what was left. You are in good hands here, I know that I am. Stick around and enjoy the ride. Oh, and don't assume that just because a topic doesn't initially interest you, stick with it, threads have a habit of wandering off into the most strange and interesting areas, some are even legal!!

    Same here and I’ve been here 5 years 😱


  3. Just had my Vitesse MOT’d. All went went well until invited down the pit to see a nycrolock nut missing off the bolt going through the front shocker securing it to the lower wishbone . The mot guy then found a 7/16 af replacement and all’s well with another  12 months mot . 

    We need a list of MOT stations who understand our cars . 


    • Like 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, Gary Flinn said:

    I would recommend either Dynax S50 or Dinitrol 3125 Rust Proofing fluids

    I've used both previously on my current classic and the Dinitrol on all my previous Triumphs

    Best to warm the cans up in a bucket of hot water for half an hour or so before application, the Dynax S50 is available in larger 750 ML Aerosol cans and they come with a long wand/lance so you can apply into all area of the box sections

    If treating a chassis on its own best to turn it over after application and do all the area's again so you ensure full coverage

    Its a very messy job so paper overalls, gloves and eye protection are a must and put something underneath to catch the excess as it runs out!       

    Dynax S50 & Dinitrol 3125.jpg

    Another vote for Bilthamber products 


  5. Is it time to consider whether the whole site is fit for purpose as it looks like it’s a standalone solution that has developed over the years . Maybe an epos online solution should be considered like Shopify or even Wix . 
    If this isn’t practical then removing the moving graphics and having black text on a white background would be an improvement.  I used to check prices with the TSSC shop but don’t bother now because the site is so clunky . Having dual pricing complicates the purchasing exercise . Does dual pricing make money for you . I did a quick check on SEO ( search engine optimisation ) and there are issues which will affect your Google ranking eg no H tags . My apologies if this is incorrect . It’s some time since I last did SEO . Lastly the delivery charges appear high compared other suppliers. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    i still cant get my head round the   rattling fit 1/2nd hub i would have bet on my knees the two boxes centre hub was different 

    it keeps me awake for 5 minutes at night 

    pleased it seems to be working ok  can i   carve  a knotch on the door post ??


    Hi Pete could it be that the 1st:2nd hub on my gearbox is not a 156911 ? 


  7. Update:

    Test Drive: All went fine and the box is much more “direct “ now no flopping around . I haven’t fully tested coming down to second at speed properly . At 25 I can drop to second which I couldn’t do before so it’s looking promising . I’ve lost the singing canary so that must be a positive . Only issue I had was engine was a bit sluggish until I realised I hadn’t put back the spark plug lead on no 6 cylinder 😱. She’s singing now . Thanks Pete needs a proper run now to test and bed the new clutch in 


  8. On 21/08/2021 at 09:36, Wagger said:

    Should have asked this too.

    Does the recess in your Vitesse sump line up with the steering rack? And, is where is the ridge wrt the spark plugs? Is it between cranks 2&3 or 1&2?

    Workshop manuls may be wrong here.

    Does this help





  9. 9 minutes ago, Wagger said:

    My poor long suffering wife had a riding accdent as a child and had to have three fusions in her neck in her thirties. As a result four vertebra are joined together. She has been advised never to travel in anything without a head restraint. (Headrest).

    I know that some of you fit Mazda MX5 seats in Vitesses, but is anything else worthy. The MX5 is collectors car, so they will be expensive. I suppose a wander to a scrapyard could result in me seeing something. There are loads of small two door cars around but I'll bet most of these will be too tall, or they will be on sliding rails.

    I’ve fitted MGF seats, also added heated seats kit 


  10. 21 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    When the red ratchet strap wouldn't do, I went for the industrial-sized version... :)



    Hi Colin like this method as one side can be done , did this method work for you 


  11. 3 minutes ago, Paul H said:

    Hi Pete, could you explain the issue , it will be better than me trying to ! I know there is slop on the single rail hub . This is because it’s the wrong one fitted ? What is the one I have from . I know I need part no 156911, which is no longer available and the solution is to find a second hand one or buy an old Vitesse Mk1 or mk2 ?? box and dismantle. My preferred option is an old box as I would be able to better understanding the gear box workings .



    It’s item 11 part 156911 that I need 




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