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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. I'm not sure why anyone would not have the mot done. Yes you can get a garage to sign off your car without one but then in the worst case scenario and you end up in court which document would hold more weight? Do you actually loose anything by having an official certificate? I'm not sure you do Aidan
  2. As a double check connect your multimeter between the yellow wire and the +ve battery lead. Measure the resistance with ignition off then on. It should change from 1 to 0 Thats rhe lead NOT the battery itself Aidan
  3. AidanT

    Engine Stand

    Hi Just a quick update - my engine is now on its stand. Thanks Colin for the advice to look on sideways I have copied one from there The engine is nice and stable with the stand on the side Also a big thanks to Adrian who has allowed me to borrow his crane and stand for the medium term Aidan This is the one I copied
  4. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Hi Rob Apologies but on the mobile version no signatures are shown hence me not seeing it. Not sure if its the same on a tablet but have to load up the PC at home to see any signature Aidan
  5. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Thanks "nonmember" btw are you going to reveal your name to us all at some point? or did I miss that post !! Can you use bolts instead of studs? Aidan
  6. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Thanks I will go the garage this evening and have a better look - 3 + 4 + 6 = 13 plus two dowels is 15! I will double check the total no: holes to Aidan
  7. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Pete I was going to buy a pack of each from Bresco as they have always provided me with decent kit. This is why I wanted to know what the larger size was from the 5/16 short and long versions. They are all UNF I assume so what would the next size up be? maybe I should just buy a mix Aidan
  8. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Hi Its a Mk2 Vitesse engine - looking at the various pics of the gasket, I think the plate is wrong on Canleys or does not show all the holes, including dowel slots. I didn't think this was a difficult question () but there looks to be 16 Then again when I look at the Canleys parts list the quantity of parts don't add up - Dowels 2, short studs 4, long studs 6 that's a total of 12 It does mention 101962 2 off as an addition to the short studs and this is on the Mk2 2 Litre cylinder head plate, so not the exhaust manifold but that STILL does not make 16 Aidan This should be exactly the same as the Mk2 GT6 Engine yes? Not consistent, the MK2 GT6 Head plate on Canleys shows three off of the 101962 aagghhhhhh!
  9. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Ok thanks Pete. There are long and short ones I agree but one of the remaining studs in the spare vitesse engine that I took out of the head at the weekend is definitely a thicker stud. Possible I guess that a P.O. has re-tapped one I will recheck the head once its off Aidan
  10. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Thanks Pete Sounds like a useful book - can you give me some more details and I will have a search for one Are they hens teeth? Aidan
  11. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Thanks Pete. Is this another book I need to invest in? I have most but none seem to provide all the part dimensions I think the 13 is right as there are two studs with no thread I assume used to position the gaskets and manifolds making 15 in all same as the gasket Is it better to purchase a whole gasket set for the rebuild? Aidan
  12. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Hi - back to this again Received the one Pete recommended and as I have pre-soaked in plus gas for a couple of weeks all came out with a spanner easily I have a couple of questions I will be putting a new set of studs in, but there seems to be three sizes. Looking at the parts diagrams there seem to be three sizes PN: 105124, 105125 are these 5/16 UNF? and 101962. I assume the last of these is the thicker size but can tell me what that size is please? Whats the best way to refit the studs? Double nutting? Lastly what quantities are needed? Canleys suggest 13 in total - seems a little odd! (no pun intended!) Thanks Aidan
  13. No. I'm in the East Midlands but have found him to be a great source in the past for hens teeth! Aidan
  14. Chic Douig is the man for most panels especially those that don't have much stock floating around Aidan
  15. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Thanks both Aidan
  16. AidanT

    Seized Studs

    Need to ask again about the best route for stud extractors I have now got my engine for refurb I will need to remove multiple studs from exhaust manifold to water pump to head. The ones above seem to be for specific sizes, the one Adrian decided on does multiple sizes If the better ones are per John then what sizes do i need to buy? And where is the best source? Aidan
  17. Tom. If you follow the link above Tuesday 721pm the website states that yes it's fine with led bulbs Aidan
  18. So the unit arrived this morning very quick delivery Fits perfectly although you do have to find a place for the earth lead. I loosened my plug socket which is on the back of the bulkhead and attached it to the socket bolt and tightened it up. The result: 20180504_163542.mp4 Aidan
  19. AidanT

    Car SOS

    I couldn't have put it better Clive As long as the cars are enjoyed and more to the point used, they become a reminder for everyone how cars used to be Aidan
  20. Order placed and free shipping Installation and testing to follow Aidan
  21. EEEK Lets hope its not that bad Aidan
  22. Hi Colin Based on the dimensions shown in their diagram, yes. I will be buying one as soon as they have stock so can confirm before anyone else interested purchases Aidan
  23. I had a reply from "Classic Car LEd's" and they are expecting new stock for the negative earth units at the end of the week Aidan
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