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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. Is he sure it's not just magic? Keeps on mentioning a witch! ? Aidan
  2. Mine passed through the mot at the beginning of the month with no advisories bit tax not due till August. Wonder if I tick the box just to confuse them ? Aidan
  3. The original one sealed well but the sender was buggared The problem only occurs when I fill the tank right up I've had three seals from different sources but none have worked perfectly. My next option is to make my own and I have a sheet of neoprene. Wondered if it would be petrol sage Aidan
  4. How far is neoprene off viton guys? I still struggle to get the sender sealed and have a sheet of neoprene Aidan
  5. If the seal that closes off the reservoir fails then yes there will be no leak and no clutch movement Aidan
  6. That's great news. I have still to change the oil but oh have now spurred me on What did you use to get the oil back in? Aidan
  7. This is a good upgrade. TBH I went for the more expensive option I think of extended 7/16 which were purchased from jigsaw, I believe they still sell them and they already come with a camphor Aidan
  8. Dave Assuming your pads are not new you should be able to push them back against the pistons to give more space. If they are difficult to move you can always make it a little easier by opening up the bleed nipple Do remember to top up the brake fluid after though Aidan
  9. That's a relief I know the feeling
  10. You have probably already done this but on top of Danny's suggestion have a look inside the dizzy at the central contact check it's not burnt away Aidan
  11. How did it die? Immediately or struggle then die? Loose power, miss fire? Aidan
  12. Haha Is your GT6 lowered? 75mm does seem low to me. I've been on the ferry crossing to Caen with my mk1 but it's with standard suspension Aidan
  13. Is the cable of sufficient length to be connected? I can only compare to my 6 pot but it sounds as if it's the rev counter cable. There's two options, either your rev counter doesn't work or it's been converted to an electronic version Aidan Sorry just 're read the thread I guess that's the far side of where the cable connects. I would find some metal of the right size and fix it in with loctite Aidan
  14. Is it me or is the plug facing the front of the car? If it is a tacho drive it would need a very long drive cable to fit Aidan
  15. AidanT

    Wipers failed

    The, well at least my mk1 GT6 has a similar looking motor and is a two speed Aidan
  16. I had a similar problem. It takes very little additional pipe to cut off the old flare and re-flare but do remember to add the sleeve nut before the re-flare - I nearly forgot DOH! Aidan
  17. AidanT


    Well done Adrian that was a very brave moment as you have done quite a bit of surgery Fyi my replacement is now on your stand still waiting for me to do an initial compression test to see what I have to work with I will no doubt soon be asking for your advice! Aidan
  18. Looks odd to me - maybe the p.o. had an odd idea or something. Should look like this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F352274425127 Usually have flexi tubes fitted to suck in air from in front of the rad I have k&n's fitted but you do need to have the carbs and needles adjusted if you want it to run on them perfectly Aidan
  19. Dave, did you just drain with the car sitting flat? My plug being on the side is a bit more of a bu**er to get to! Aidan
  20. Not tried yet but I have a large oil syringe to suck out the oil v cheap on eBay plus my filler plug is on the side not on the back plate so am hoping that gives a little more room I believe a previous thread on here said it could be done but they needed to use a thin tube such as screen wash tubing Aidan
  21. AidanT

    2.5 block

    Don't know if this would be of interest to you tr6 engine on fleabay item 273232494810 From previous experience you can get it delivered for around £50 Aidan
  22. I have the exact same. At 70 or above I get the same noise. I will try the ep140 thanks Aidan
  23. Guess I'm lucky. My mot place is run by a guy with his own classics. He's passing on his knowledge to the young recruits! As for emissions no smoke is a pass for them! Aidan
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