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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. Maybe this one? The wiring looks to be correct for the GT6 mk1 https://www.classiccarleds.co.uk/collections/indicator-relays-electronic/products/12v-electronic-indicator-flasher-relay-classic-car-with-oe-click-x-l-p-2-3-pin. For some reason you can't select the neg earth version I have emailed them Aidan
  2. Dave I know this isn't helpful but I have been looking for one for ages and have failed I added a buzzer but tbh it's not a great solution Will be following this thread Aidan
  3. Thanks guys I will (as first planned) be going for the full mot sign off then Aidan
  4. Hi I went to see my mot guy last week but he did not mention anything about emissions. Has this tightened up in the latest changes then? He said it was best just to get it mot'd My GT6 had no issue with emissions last year Aidan
  5. Hmm best to use the KISS principle as with everything! I didn't go down the route of working my way through from the smallest fuse up until it stopped blowing! I just added the amperage up and added a tad! I ran all the electrics in a test for 20 minutes so I would agree I might have over egged it a bit but it has to be better than 17amp continuous and 35 spike! Aidan
  6. Ha. Just went over to Adrians at the weekend to have a chat about electrics in general and he has purchased the same box to ( I should have asked for a commission ) As to your point on the wiper motor I really need to check which fuse it's on I have not had a fuse blow though so it would suggest I added the appropriate amperage for the circuit. I will take a look and come back to you Aidan
  7. This is where I got mine from https://www.advancedfluidsolutions.co.uk/saej30r9-r10-r7-fuel-injection-rubber-hose-95-c.asp Aidan
  8. From your description and symptoms I would suggest that the alternator is at fault and not charging correctly Does your ignition light have a slight glow? That's often another sign Aidan
  9. Would the boiling water test be worthwhile? And if you have a cooking thermometer then you could see what temperature it had to be for half way on the gauge This would confirm all the above Aidan
  10. Hi Colin I think I mentioned this before, but the older your loom, the more potential it has to short and fail as the covering does become brittle. Running even 16 amps though old style and aged cable is a risk to me, you never know what previous owners have done or why! Aidan
  11. Thanks Clive, Received these today - They will make it so much easier to fit. I have mine pointing down @ about 20 degrees from vertical and the standard length is difficult to remove due to the oil relief valve housing which just sticks out in the wrong place! Aidan
  12. Thanks Clive Will order a couple to keep me going, it will be much better than the standard depth ones, they are a pain to fit, this will make it a lot easier Aidan
  13. Thanks is Colin A dumb question but do all spin on filters have the same thread? Or so I need to find one specific like this? https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mahle-Oil-Filter-OX16D-Genuine-Part/161791058347?fits=Car+Make%3ATriumph|Model%3AGT6&hash=item25ab7fa1ab:g:UtUAAOSwv0tVEUgw&_trkparms=gclientid%3Dba8qwaJvbb-A1G_bCyVFVP7No1WlNW1ZjEcdJo87Y-ACmwZdqJOvxdXugXPxeFo6&_trksid=p2489528.m4335.l8656 Aidan
  14. Sorry quick add on to this. Is there a shallower spin on filter than the standard one? I.e. less deep? Aidan
  15. Haha feel as if I should appologise but it's too funny! I didn't think those kinda things needed fuses! Aidan
  16. Hi Should have said I have a spin on conversion! That being said I got my latest filter from the shop Are we saying this make are no good ot just the standard gt6 filters? Confused Aidan
  17. Thanks Colin! I was going to fit one of those in the next few week's grrrr Oh well back to fram from paddocks! Aidan
  18. There are some really nasty "cheap" produced ones out there for delco dizzys to I was lucky that when mine came off it did no real damage I now remember to make sure they fit tightly Aidan
  19. If I remember right I couldn't find a car fuse box that came with a busbar hence having to make one. The other option is to make a small hoop of wire with double connectors so they can be joined. Again I did not think that was the best solution Aidan
  20. A buzz bar is a way to connect one side of a fuse boxes fuses together. As an example if you need three circuits to be live from the ignition, you don't run three cables from the switch you just run one and connect the other two fuses together with what's called a buzz bar ( mainly described as this in household fuse boxes) As for circuits, it depends on the car. My mk1 for instance has seven std circuits so that left me with three fuses free I could have doubled up on quite a few (two or more circuits on one fuse) but chose not to. I also fused things like the coil circuit which are not fused at all on the standard fuse box as it's fed from the live side of the fuses Aidan
  21. Easy enough to find on eBay. If you are not sure then its just not worth the risk https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F291022081317 Aidan
  22. In simple terms I cheated ! I cut a separate hole for the loom and grommet and the cut a narrow channel between that and the fuse box hole. The grommet butts up to the fuse box nicely sealing up the gap. This avoids having to take the loom out, putting it through a new hole and re-wiring up Aidan
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