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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. Ran out of time last night - I was playing "add the security certificate" to a forum I admin. And also help a client with an excel problem. Then woke at 4am and couldn't sleep because of the dreaded 4 letter word. So got up at 5 and did a bit.
  2. Something I have to do to pay for the fun things in life. Only another 15years to go.
  3. I’ll get something later when I get home from work. ?
  4. Yes it does seem to have a crinkled thing. Clamp been worn makes sense. I’ll see about replacing it or as Dick says a bit of something.
  5. Anglefire

    First Drive

    Don’t forget the points gap. Mine was almost closed and wouldn’t rev on the road. Assuming you are using points still? If so, worth getting a dwell meter as they are a bit more reliable as it’s measured when running.
  6. Anglefire

    First Drive

    Sounds like timing though could be as said spark plugs or it could be contact point gap. I had that very problem with mine.
  7. I’ve seen a lot worse welding - I’ve done a lot worse !
  8. Due to my heavy handidness with a screwdriver on the clamp screw - I now need to secure the switches to the column. Or replace the switches. Any ideas. Late 1500 Spitfire.
  9. Thanks Clive, I’ve done both the push outer and pull inner - it’s going no where else. The end of the outer column has a cap on the end. I guess to form a crude bearing service if the column pulls out as such. I also now have a bit of rocking / twisting going on at the top of the column. I guess the reason the screws where fitted. I have tightened up the bolts on the top clamp but still looks to be a gap around the column. It’s like the clamp is not right - I was thinking of dropping the block and seeing if it needs a trim between meeting faces. As for the cowl. I think that is the best course of action. I’ll get the angry with it ?
  10. This is the end of the column and turned a bit so I can see. It does pull back but not enough to give the clearance needed at the front for the cowl. I didn’t measure my boss Roger - but if I were a betting man then 45mm would be about right.
  11. It’s not been suggested yet Colin, but it might be the best option as there is no way I can get any more length - I have worked out now how it all works and the collar at the bottom is right against the outer sleeve at full extension. If I remove the clamp it does come out and I can get the cowl on- but then I can refit the clamp as it then doesn’t go in the slot. Seems odd though given it’s a standard option if that makes sense- so I don’t know what is different on mine. The other issue I have is that I’m pretty sure the column will still go in and out despite everything being tight. And the final issue is that the steering column stalk bracket clamp bust as I was tightening it up. ? so got to find a new set of switches too. ?
  12. Looking at the two diagrams on the canley site, are the bars, numbered 154977 on this diagram on both the early and later cars as they aren't on the later diagram - but then I don't know how the upper clamp is then fixed?
  13. It has pulled out a good inch or inch 1/2 enough to get the boss on and the nut on properly. But the cowl won’t fit. So needs another 1/4 - 1/2”
  14. This one? in which case yes. The bodge stops the upper column from rocking Its almost like it’s not far enough back into the block to make it tight. But it doesn’t want to go back any further (I’ve taken the screws out!)
  15. Well. I’ve found a few more bodges. and I’ve moved the column as far as it will go and it’s not enough. any ideas? Or am i just not trying hard enough. ?
  16. Oh and the boss seems to fit the splines just fine. Bottoms out on the cowling and the column doesn't come through the hole to allow the nut to fit on. I might have another look when I get chance tomorrow (Taking the youngest out for driving practice - first time - so might need something to calm my nerves )
  17. Yes I've looked on the Moto-lita site - its where I nicked the pictures from And it agrees with the Rimmers site in terms of model years - but the Moto-lita site doesn't mention commission numbers. It adjusts? I didn't know that! Or how!
  18. That would make sense for your '64 Spit - mine is '77 but the commission number is 102xxx so in theory is the one I have! Unless some thing has changed and it has a mixture of bits attached - nothing would surprise me!
  19. I sure hope so! No the horn is on the stalk - everything points to the B54 boss. But it don't fit - unless I'm doing something wrong! This is what the original wheel looks like. And the cowling is something like this. I can't find any other pictures of cowlings to know if what it has fitted is the right one!
  20. This one is the B54 Boss for a 79 on Spitfire (Though the commission number is Triumph Spitfire Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, MkIV & 1500 to FH100020) and mine is FH102xxx So it looks like I need the B20 boss for upto 79. Rather than Bugger.
  21. Well. I had some spare time to for my wheel. But it doesn’t fit ? or at least the boss doesn’t. im guessing the wrong one has been supplied. Or I ordered the wrong one.
  22. I had a Beetle (My first car 1200) and it too lost a circlip - not I hasten to add due to my rebuilding skills! - and scored the bore - I can't remember now how I found out - I think I did a oil change (every 3000miles with mono oil from memory) Just a gauze filter - anyway out popped a twisted circlip. So in true Beetle style, dropped the engine and did a rebuild - which wa easy as you simply bought new cylinders, bearings gaskets and threw it back together. No water to worry about, just 4 bolts to hold it on the gearbox, throttle cable and fuel. Optionally reconnect the flexible heater hoses
  23. The flippant answer is to play rugby
  24. The belt should have the dimensions printed on it - would give you a clue - that or get a tape measure out! Circlips? Amazon? https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Yato-professional-External-Grasping-Halteringe/dp/B00U3ZLGP0/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1521666006&sr=1-1&keywords=circlips
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