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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. When I got my old P6 resprayed I drove it back without any lights fitted. And used hand signals. I had asked the police if this was ok and essentially they said it should be fine - though this was probably 30+ years ago now and things weren't as rigid as they are now!
  2. Colour change was back in 26-02-1993 - so way before the last tidy up.
  3. I think ringer might be a bit strong Pete (I hope!) - but it has had some work done to it over the years
  4. Well that is also possible. I must read the refurbishment document that I had with the car - though that makes no mention of anything really other than the bonnet being changed for the gt6 one. Makes little difference really as everything matches in terms of v5 and chassis numbers.
  5. Actually Pete, the first vw beetle (1967) I had was on the “correct” right side for the uk and the left side for the Eu. But my 1971 beetle was on the left side as they are now. Well that is true of most things I say ?
  6. Everything is changed. To be honest it’s seems likely that it was rebodied as there is no sign of any green anywhere.
  7. Anyway I drive a bmw so what is this indicator that you speak of ?
  8. Oh I’ve not worried about it - but on the right for a right hand drive cars makes sense. A lot of Japanese cars are the same.
  9. I remembered to look the other day - that's not there either!
  10. Actually, I like the indicator stark on the left - means you can indicate and change gear at the same time - my first Beetle was the same and one or two other cars too from memory. Though the Beetle also had a foot operated dip switch which was a pain when changing gear!
  11. My BMW runs at 100'C - according to the gauge, so if you assume 15psi the boiling point is about 121'C - 20psi about 126. I'm guessing around the cylinders it could be quite a bit hotter so more volume and nearer the boiling point so I'd have thought 20psi is reasonable for moderns
  12. The corrugated heater hoses are quite restrictive to airflow too. Smooth wall ones would increase air flow. Or I guess ones with small ridges. But as already said the heater matrix will be the issue in that it has a maximum output. Unless you can increase the water temperature- winter thermostat fitted I assume? Though that won’t change the power output of the heater. The formula for heat output is Heat transfer = (mass)(specific heat)(temperature change) Q = mcΔT c for water is about 4.2J/g/K and air is about 1 Q being in Joules. If instead of mass of water we use mass over time the result is in watts - which is more useful in this case. So the other way to increase the heater output is to pass more water through it. Though you then risk not being able to transfer the heat to the air if you increase it too much so the delta t will reduce.
  13. I was really thinking of just making them a bit better to match the front.
  14. I should have said early on mines a Spitfire 1500. So no servo, just me and me leg muscle!
  15. What about rear shoes? Or are they used so little in normal use that the standard ones are ok?
  16. Just added my membership number to my signature - there has been a lot of members between us Pete
  17. I don't worry too much about number plates on most forums - though tend to blank it out if its on Facebook particularly if its the header picture - though I don't really know why a you say, its visible on the street!
  18. I admin another forum and am membership sec for it too (Though I'm trying to drop that one ) We have ranks for forum members - basically as Kevin has a red Administrators title, we have admin, club members, mods, committee members all in different colours - but it is a chore keeping them up to date - and I have access to the membership database! Unless the forum has "hidden" areas (Which I've no doubt it has for at least the admins!) from certain groups, then there is little point going to all the trouble if its manual process.
  19. That one still exists on the DVLA data base - last MOT was 2009. Oddly the tax was due in 2003
  20. I too like forums for this type of activity - i.e. in essence question and answers - as you can find them easily! Facebook and the like are instant gratification and are pretty much useless at technical issues - apart from in the moment. As has already been said, trying to find something in the past is nigh on impossible!
  21. Mine came today................. Except it didn't. Got the Boss, got a bag of bits, including the chrome ring - but no wheel. Phoned them up and they have one extra in stock. Well I never! You would have thought the packer would know that a steering wheel is generally in a bag larger than 6" square!
  22. It’s not a 1500 spit - or at least not a 77 one. The part number relates to a 1300.
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