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Everything posted by AlanT

  1. I've just replaced my mad loud sports system with standard, sourced from Online Automotive. Very reasonable cost and all good.
  2. @Roger K I know that Spitbitz have several sets of these @£200 a set. I recently asked them but decided to try and sort my slight rub issues out (5.5J Mags).
  3. Cobra super slot 5.5J on 175/70 13 tyres. The rims were made for Triumph figment in 70s. Suspect modern tyres are the issue but 155s too small for these rims.
  4. Looked at eBay. They are inexpensive tools so I’ll buy one and try it. The rub is very slight so a minor adjustment should do it. Otherwise I think I’ll look for stock 5J wheels. Will take pics.
  5. That’s a good idea @clive May see if there is someone who can take a look
  6. The slight ‘kiss’ on the front arches from wheels on big bumps. Red marks where I may ‘adjust’ the bodywork…but can’t bring myself to touch expensive paintwork!
  7. Niggles fixed: 2xUJs done. 1x wheel bearing. 1x fuel leak sorted. wheels balanced. To fix: o/d (taking the useful advice offered in the relevant tech section) Tiny oil weep on head gasket (live with it until Autumn) Swap water pump as noisy on startup (live with it until Autumn) Decide what to do about slight wheel run on front wing edge on big bumps. Either grind back 3mm at top for 7 cm length or go stock wheels…but I love the Slot Mags…tricky.
  8. That’s interesting @daverclasper Did you conclude (first time) that it was just the solenoid to blame? Sounds exactly like mine I.e engaging itself . Thanks
  9. It was one of those ‘Triumph experience’ trips yesterday. Had popped to garage to get front wheels aligned. Aside from the o/d issue I returned with a flooding rear carb caused by a sliver of rubber blocking the valve (probably from pushing the pipe on as post the fuel filter in flow). The post resto niggles will, hopefully, subside soon…just as well it looks beautiful!
  10. Deffo a J type @Mathew as I cleaned it out/refilled before fitting. Perhaps not well enough!
  11. Steps then: 1. Mechanical test (disconnected power) 2. Solenoid rebuild. 3. Fingers crossed! Hopefully not serious as was working beautifully. A surprise given who knows how long it was since last used!
  12. Thanks @johny Only reversing is when cold to get out of garage!
  13. Will do the electrical test first.
  14. Thanks. I’ll do that. Having researched more, I suspect a blocked valve. The initial feeling (once hot) is of the unit being half engaged (can see the rev counter moving about) before becoming locked engaged after a few more hundred yards. The pressure seems to be building up? Not sure how easy this is to clear. Found this but may be for D type. Symptoms are same http://www.triumphspitfire.com/Over.html
  15. Ah! Not that easy! Mine is a conversion with the power borrowed from the reversing light switch. Tunnel out…I can just about reach the solenoid connectors so will disconnect that way.
  16. I’ve now done an extensive internet search and can’t find any references to J type self actuating, which leads me to think the problem must be electrical. Loads of threads about them stuck on or slow to engage, none about them suddenly switching on and staying so. What’s baffling is that it’s stuck in first and second. Implies that power is getting to it despite two switches being off. Was working perfectly-fast to engage and disengage - so filter and flow issues would, I hope, seem unlikely. Will look at the solenoid wires from underneath and see if there is an obvious issue before taking out the tunnel (groan!). Alan
  17. Thanks @Pete Lewis tunnel out pain!
  18. Yes, J type. No relay. I’ll see what I can see and report back (may be a day or so as have lots of work on).
  19. Thanks @johny Guess it’s back up on the axle stands to take a look…irony of it is that it was only taken off them yesterday after changing 2xUJs!
  20. Thanks. No oddness that I’m aware of. Will try it again after work but truly hope not internal. Was flushed and refilled before I fitted to the car.
  21. Hi All, The OD in my Spit 1500 resto has suddenly decided to self engage when the engine is hot. Works perfectly fine then, out of the blue, decides to engage. Flicking the switch does nothing. Any ideas? Obviously I've gently nursed home so as not to wreck things in 1st and 2nd. After sitting it's fine...until hot again! Thanks Alan
  22. Nothing quite as wonderful as heater on, gloves, scarf, topless motoring on a dry Winter’s day. How else do you get a Christmas tree home? Genuinely, I love it. It’s such a treat.
  23. I had a visit from Steve Morris of Spitfirespares the other day. He mentioned that he’d scrapped several rear end shunted Spits where the spare wheel had acted as a shock absorber, moving the force to the raised chassis section instead of the tank. Wheels jammed into boots. Said never drive a Spit without one…as I’ve been doing as have Slot Mags…old wheel now in boot! Thought worth sharing. Alan
  24. I’m with you Pete. Won’t drive a car without headrests anymore. Well worth changing to a more modern set.
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