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Posts posted by johny

  1. I can blow fuel through from my tank using lungs on the filler but not sure it thats possible on a Spit. Its easier if the pipe is open into a container before the pump and you just need to pressurise the tank a bit and wait until fuel makes its way along...

  2. On 23/12/2021 at 12:54, JohnD said:

    Not so, Johnny.    Yes, multiple cells, because the most that a single lead/acid cell can produce, fully charged, is 2.1V.    Car batteries stack six of those in series to give the 12V that they are designed to run off.   Vehicles that use 24V will have two such batteries in series to get that.

    Batteries, or cells, in parallel, would not sum their voltages, but can provide more charge to get a car started.   That's what you do when you use jumper leads from another car or an extra battery.



    Its just that when I took one apart there seemed to be one row of cells in series, as you say six, followed by another row of six in series and maybe more rows (it was a while ago). Then the various rows were connected by common rails (parallel like jumpering various batteries) to the battery terminals so still giving a nominal 12v however one of the rows of six had a broken connection between its series cells and I surmised that this would explain the loss of available current...



  3. I believe batteries are made up of multiple cells connected in series and parallel. You can have the series ones working to give the correct voltage but lost some in parallel so reducing the amps available. Only way to test this is with a heavy duty discharge tester which are difficult to find these days so most people just stick a new battery on...

  4. I take it both needle pistons are always in matching positions and perfectly free to move? Also was the synchronisation much out of adjustment?

    Youve set the butterflies to give the same air flow but if one carbs piston sticks (usually its jet isnt centred correctly) then the sound could be changed and obviously fuel mixture would be incorrect at that point.

    Another possibility is that a rubber diaphragm (Im assuming standard Strombergs here) is perforated so its piston wont rise the same as on the other carb.

    Finally an air leak would also generate a different noise so have a look around the carb joint to the inlet manifold plus any pipes connected to the carb where air might be drawn in.

    Of course in each case the running of the engine will be affected...

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  5. well good to have a spare(s) although thats a dangerous road to start down🤣 It shows that just quite a small increase in pressure can overcome float valves...

    One things thats noticeable on most replacement pumps is that their operating arms are thinner that the originals and I recall a previous post that showed this, along with possibly more spring resistance, had lead to significant wear on the cam...

  6. well I think its because as you progressively compress a spring it needs more pressure (springs are quite often rated force/mm travel) so if the operating arm of the pump only compresses its spring a little the force on the diaphragm will be less when as you say it comes to the fuel expulsion stage. This is key when the carb float valve closes and has to hold back the pressure being exerted by the diaphragm.

    Obviously the volume pumped per stroke will be less but as long as the flow rate matches the maximum demand of the carb(s) all will be well....

  7. As was found on the other thread I mentioned, the Triumph workshop manual indicates that a higher output pressure than recommended is quite possible and the solution is to pack out the pump from the mounting on the block so reducing the travel of the operating lever on the cam and dropping the pressure. This is logical and seems to work so theres probably nothing wrong with the Rimmers pumps. In fact it wouldnt surprise me at all if, after some use, the pressure of a new pump drops anyway as its spring weakens👍

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