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Posts posted by johny

  1. yes I see the GB sticker, which has been valid for international travel for 111 years, is scrapped and has to be replaced with UK or Union Jacks.

    All I can say is how stupid - apart from the cost and inconvenience in my opinion its a good, if small, example of the sort of change in mind set thats needed. We've got to learn that the first question for any action is always going to have to be: is this worth the waste in materials and energy? Im no Greta but can see where shes coming from....

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  2. Id suggest though that the Vitesse would have overheated with a mechanical fan anyway? Either that or you have a seriously poor electric fan or one thats not fitted efficiently.

    Ive indicated before my belief that our cars dont necessarily need an electric fan but if you do want more airflow through the rad at standstill a correctly specced and fitted electric fan spins far faster than a crank fan, is a more efficient design and runs closer to the radiator,,,,  

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  3. 2 hours ago, Ian Smith said:

    Vote #2 from here.  I'm interested in electric fans (I've never fitted one ) but I've also wondered if having a rad re-made with a deeper set of cores & fins might prove to be the answer to space issues. Plus, of course, the thermostat having a different, lower value.

    I should add that not necessarily deeper, in terms of height, but thicker, front to back.

    I think if your getting too hot on the move and your cooling system is as good as possible then a bigger radiator will help (better more frontal area than depth) but if this is happening when stationary or going slowly the problem is more likely to be airflow related which is where an electric fan can help.

    If working correctly any thermostat will be fully open by the time the engine temperature is becoming excessive so unfortunately changing to a lower value one wont reduce overheating...

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  4. This is quite a lot of work. It would surprise me that the leaking seal wasnt noticed when the clutch was changed and if it didnt leak then that it has failed in the few hundred miles since. Its possible but worth checking closely that the oil isnt coming from the sump, rocker box or head (it can run down as its a hidden area) and you can do this by cleaning everything before dusting with talc. Then after a drive it should be easier to identify the source....

  5. Ha, Ive just been talking to that company via ebay email trying to find out why the photo doesnt look anything like a Spitfire rad and the answer is that its NOT suitable for that car! They havent said what car its for or why the description is wrong but I wonder if something is getting lost in the translation...

    Its tempting to buy one just to see what arrives🤪

  6. yes of course its easy to stock and have fast turn over of the common items but if youre also going to source and supply many other bits that sit around for ages you have to increase the price of everything to keep pricing proportional plus cover the costs. However if your buying one of the common items that extra can hurt....

  7. If youre going to fit a fan my thinking now is to try to fit as large in diameter as possible but it doesnt need to be powerful. In a Vitesse thats handy because more power means deeper and space is very limited.

    I think even a cheapy Chinese one will do the job although of course their sealing and bearings will not be up to a lot of use in arduous conditions but are perfectly ok for a Sunday morning pootle.... 

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