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Posts posted by johny

  1. could the rad be moved backwards slightly as I believe that will a bit more clearance at both top and bottom plus get more cooling from the fan. Of course you have to take into account any possible engine movement.....

    Otherwise as Peter says a cheap aluminium version (from 80 pounds delivered?) seems to have the cap a lot lower.

  2. 1 hour ago, theestimator said:

    Following info from Dave Rumens I have discovered that during a build in 2007 a Herald diff was put into my Mk 2 Vitesse and now I am wondering if there is any other diff with 3.27 ratio that will fit as when I try and purchase an exchange one the sellers are not interested in a herald diff and want be to buy outright.(750 to 1000).. I live in the North of Scotland but willing to travel to pickup the correct diff>  Thanks  Gordon Corbett

    Hi, I take it that you realise that a 3.27 ratio unit is not the standard one for a Vitesse? They had a 3.89 installed on all 2L models and versions..... 

  3. No its nothing spectacular just repairing split rubber seals like the Vitesse bonnet to scuttle seal, making my own front wheel arch seals from two pieces to save buying a huge piece of rubber sheet, repairing bonnet location cones (going to try making these myself next time they fail), patchless bicycle inner tube repairs, custom o rings (in fact at work it comes in long length kits which include superglue for joining) etc. The only two things it seems to stick really well are skin (what it was invented for?) and rubber.....

  4. 28 minutes ago, clive said:

    But isn't that a D type OD? The dolomite box had the J type. 

    So it is probably a recon box built into a dolomite case. Happened a lot when the cars were less old and the recon business was doing a roaring trade...

    Although with that strange serial number who knows what Triumph were producing in the D to J overdrive change over.... 

  5. yes 5% was always allowed to be mixed in any petrol even without advising the customer as its deemed not to have any effect. Over that does have to be labelled.

    The good side is that ethanol actually raises the octane level, the bad, the manufacturers take that into account and lower the octane of the rest of the mix to compensate☹️   

    • Like 1
  6. I got a thin sheet of rubber (petrol resistant) and cut my own gasket using a paper hole punch to do the screw holes. Worked a treat without sealant and has allowed me to remove the sender multiple times while I try to get it reading more accurately!

    • Thanks 1
  7. ah fan mystery resolved and things are looking better - definitely a case of a picture is worth a 1000 words! No expert on viscous couplings but would imagine that with the engine off and cold the fan should turn easily by hand but with the engine just turned off hot after a good run, the fan will be harder to turn by hand. This is important as believe these couplings can fail and then affect cooling at slow speeds....

  8. 6 hours ago, daverclasper said:

    Hi. I think my door seals are not fitting great (correct profile ones, bought from Bill Davis) and water coming in. I was wondering if to slide a piece of paper in between seal/door, to find any tight/loose areas, then to bend the seal flange a bit, to correct, as the door fit appears not bad in general.

    Do you think this would work.

    Cheers, Dave   

    Thats exactly what you do Dave. Obviously its a combination of getting the door sitting correctly and the seal compressed the right amount all the way round. You could almost remove the seal completely to get the door position correct then refit the seal and tap the flange in or out to ensure it seals well without interfering with its closing. Dont forget that the quarterlight frame is also adjustable (and bendable) to get a good seal on the front edge (and roof on a saloon) which is important as a lot of wind noise can come from this area.

    I think Universities should offer a degree qualification just in door fitting......

  9. yes its quite a fiddly job but worth spending time on as you want the rubber seal making a good contact (but not too much) with the door all the way round, the door gap the same all the way round, the door line matching the body plus the door flush fitting and latching smoothly....

  10. well one correct arrangement would be a fused supply to an adjustable thermo switch measuring coolant temperature and controlling a fan. However there could be a relay, different types of fan controllers (or none), manual overide switch, indication light etc 

  11. sounds like you have an electric fan which isnt standard fitment. This makes it more complicated because you dont know how its been wired up so I would first work out how this has been done and do a drawing. Once you know this you can work out if its been connected correctly and where the fault might be....

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