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Posts posted by johny

  1. Dont know the TR4 arrangement but the Vitesse/GT6s always fill themselves automatically to the brim of the radiator because any air is pushed out on heating up and coolant drawn back in from the bottle (as long as this is kept filled to the correct level of course) when cooling down. It has to be like this because the heater is actually the highest point in the system and so if the overflow pipe isnt always full of coolant theres something wrong....

  2. The other thing Ive found is that if the system has a small leak due to say a hose clamp not fully tightened I dont seem to lose coolant from it (possibly its in the form of vapour when hot so I dont see it) but it somehow manages to draw air in through it when cooling. This means the coolant isnt drawn back from the overflow bottle and the radiator level is low when I remove the cap which in turn usually means the heater stops working.....

  3. the first choice Pete is whether you want a unit completely contained in the distributor or are happy to have only the sensor there and the electronics mounted outside. The advantage of the outside unit could be reliability as then the electronics should be more robust and have better cooling. Sparkrite do units of both types and have some interesting extras such as rev limiters, LED power indicators and even sensors that dont need an additional trigger (most need some sort attached to the rotor in the distributor).

  4. I cant see how it can force the front out as the casing rear bearing has circlips that should keep it positioned both relative to the case and the mainshaft so something is definitely wrong if your able to push the mainshaft through too far.

    My WSM drawing of the Vitesse/GT6 box shows the tail bearing with a gap to the rear housing but the bearing shouldnt protrude enough that it will prevent the rear seal going in right up to shoulder in the housing....

  5. Save your money unless youre planning on some racing or lots of miles! If youre worried you could micrometer up the journals for out of round which in my opinion is much more likely to prematurely finish off bearings than the surface itself (within limits of course!).  

  6. yes when you read up on types of plain bearings its not a straight forward case of one sort being better than the other as each as advantages and disadvantages. For the use and mileage we generally give our cars ally/tin look quite attractive not least on price....

    Not sure about Glacier bearings as I thought theyd been taken over by Vandervell and theres reports of them being sold under the new owners name. Are they always Ally/tin construction?

    Its difficult to say in the pictures but when Ive seen low mileage bearings not all the running surface has been polished especially up the sides whereas these look to have done a few miles so while its apart Id go for replacing them.

  7. Even with SOS Ive seen car parts that have been changed and not mentioned on the programme, then theres stuff that goes wrong but never gets shown and also how all that work gets done in such a remarkably short time...

  8. I found a thrust like that on my 2L although not as bad and not sure what can cause it. My thrust hadnt done a lot of miles since I put it in to replace OE ones that were slightly too slack so maybe they were a bit on the tight side or its a quality issue....

    Anyway I dont think mine, or yours, was bad enough to have caused any damage to the crank as theyre not through to the steel backing so I agree with your idea of reassembly as is.

  9. Trouble with modern gearboxes is that the design has changed radically in that the bell housing is now integral to the casing so its very difficult to fit the Triumph one instead. Alternatively an adaptor to fit the new bell housing to the block is going to very complicated and anyway this increases the gearbox length and makes the input shaft too short to engage with the flywheel. Then theres the gearchange mechanism which is now usually cable operated from a remote lever so youve got to find somewhere solid to mount this and a suitable route for the cables. Then on top of that, as I said earlier, I think your going to struggle to find the right ratios, for example the first gear ratio for a 318i is showing as 4.32-1 and the Vitesse 2.65-1. Thats a big difference☹️ 


  10. Wow I hadnt thought of trying to keep the oil galleries filled! I would have thought thats a pretty big ask of the filter valve(s) over more than a few hours (fraid I dont drive the Vit every day) seeing that its just a flap of rubber with next to no pressure to keep it sealing. I'd be happy if I can just keep the filter as full as possible....

  11. good point Nick my adaptor has been on there a long time and theres no easy way to check if the filter is being bypassed although I would have thought as the pressure drop across the filter should always be pretty low the leakage will be small... However the possibility of drain back is worrying so I think that makes it even more important I get the filter as vertical as possible👍

  12. 4 hours ago, rlubikey said:

    I'm also going to try that shorter 714/2 filter next time. I'm convinced that the filter does drain over several days, even with two anti drain valves. If so then a smaller filter will fill quicker. As a bonus, it will be easier to fit my engine-back 6-pot.

    Cheers, Richard

    youve got me interested now so Im going the whole hog and going to try a Mann W77 (as used on some Maseratis) - at only 59mm high I must be able to get it vertical on the Vitesse but will I soon need an engine rebuild😲

  13. well Im gobsmacked that a diaphragm can be so rigid that it pulls a piston back up off the bridge against the spring tension. I wouldnt have thought it possible to make them like that intentionally and still get them to fit - learn something new everyday! 

  14. thats strange, think the piston should definitely sit on the bridge. My carbs are older than yours and if the piston doesnt clonk down nicely it means the jet needs centering because the needle is binding on it. However Ive never had a rebound problem - your carbs do have springs pushing down on the pistons dont they and oil in the dashpots to dampen the movement? 

  15. 26 minutes ago, 68vitesse said:

    When I broke my Vitesse gearbox a couple of years ago the third gear he supplied was new but the cluster had been refurbished. Bearing surfaces bored out and sleeves fitted but apparently getting a firm to do this was getting more difficult.

    I imagine that boring out the laygear is not without its risks as each end has to run against thrust washers so the more metal you remove the less surface left to spread the end loads....

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