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Posts posted by johny

  1. Certainly for the cost of a coil its easiest just to buy a replacement and then you always have a spare if that isnt the problem. However there are two types used on our cars so make sure you get the right one.

    With the carb flooding the float and valve assembly are in those pots next to carbs. Its a bit of a fiddly job as you have to disconnect the fuel supply and remove the top lid where inside youll find a float that when the chamber is full (it probably will be when you open it) push on a little inlet valve to stop more fuel coming in. If the float gets punctured or stuck it doesnt float anymore so cant operate the valve. You can inspect the floats and gently check their movement plus look in the bottom of the chamber for dirt. Then if all this looks ok a faulty valve is the remaining possibility and will have to be replaced along with the lid gasket that will probably have been damaged when you lifted it off.

    Its unusual to have both carbs overflowing so I think either the car hasnt be used for quite a while and the floats/valves have got stuck or a lot of dirt has come through and affected both carbs.....

  2. I always think counterfeits are only worth making (including all the packaging etc) when its an item with some value AND in high demand. I just cant see it being worthwhile in China or India going to all the trouble of copying something like our u/js just to sell a few of them. Of course I believe sometimes its the actual factory making the originals that makes a few more to sell off on the cheap but in that case your probably getting a bargain! 

  3. Yes please Clive as its one thing paying more for a better quality item and another when you pay more for the same quality one!

    I suspect that GKN have stopped manufacturing the HD version of this u/j so apart from old stock now the standard one (which may be fine for our needs) will have to be used by all......

  4. it gets worse as the GKN website says a U050 (as Colin's pic) is the correct u/j for TVF100000 whereas the HD item is U049 and that doesnt appear in the catalogue.... Need to check that the ebay item picture is actually whats supplied as theres usually a disclaimer somewhere that says 'photo for representation purposes only'.

  5. Great news Charlie. One question: what pipe did you use as there are problems with some new rubber not being able to handle the ethanol content of petrol supplied these days, in fact it might have been the reason the original pipe failed......

  6. well first have a good look round the engine and try to identify where the smell is strongest. Run your hands along the fuel lines right from the fuel pump (LH side) round to the carbs (RH side) and under the carbs themselves to try to find liquid fuel (trouble is a small leak evaporates quickly so doesnt leave a damp patch). My carbs (strombergs) overflow into the airfilter box so unless it drips out the bottom its not easy to see but your carbs might be different and Im not sure where the overflow is.... 

  7. Hi, this is something you need to look at urgently as leaking fuel is not good. Could be a fuel pipe or a carb float sticking so that the carb overflows (in this case I would have thought the car wouldnt run very well) but either way it could be near the exhaust manifold or other ignition source....

  8. It is worth investigating all possibilities but I must admit Ive never heard pinking when just reving an engine at standstill - its normally under load like a hill or hard acceleration that it presents itself and then I think its more of a tinkling sound than a rumble.....

  9. Yes although Ive only done a 6 from underneath I believe the 4 is very similar. Obviously you can check the play beforehand but even if its within spec its worth having a look at the thrusts as I found mine pitted for some unexplained reason.

    Your biggest problem working from underneath, apart from access, is keeping everything clean and this is essential.....

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