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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. I dropped mine and cracked the bloomin screen😡 and had to get it replaced!
  2. Best practice is take copious amounts of photos and mark where everything is now. Iain
  3. You are not alone! This forum is a goldmine of experienced help. I still concider myself a novice but with the forums help it gives you the at elbow confidence to tackle jobs you would never normally have done. Iain
  4. I know you don't have a piston stop but using one doesn't require feeler gauge etc. You only need a pointer ( and an easily printed 360 degree marked disc. Make sure you are on compression stroke, turn crank until the piston hits the stop then rotate back. Half way between the two angles is tdc. Spot on no messing with trying to find the rocker point. Google finding tdc with piston stop. Iain
  5. Finding TDC is so much easier using a simple piston stop. I bought one of tinternet and delivered next day. Iain
  6. I've lost track, why do you want the crank bolt off? It's age you know.. Aaah just flicked back you want to take the timing chain cover off. Iain
  7. I'm sure I bought my glass filter from carbuilder solutions as they sold one with a 1/4 one end and 5/16 the other. I fitted it by the tank outlet which in my car is 1/4 to the fuel line which is 5/16.part number is FFGLKIT Iain
  8. Asked my wife nicely to do just that after I couldn't stop the engine from turning. Iain
  9. That's what I've done but used some 1.5mm ali sheet. I slid the packer at the front of the rad mounting bracket to angle the top of rad rearwards. It moved about 15mm. The bonnet hinge brackets are welded and not adjustable and have an angled slot for adjustment of the pivot pin. Therefore raising the front also pushes the bonnet forward which increases to bonnet rear to windscreen lower gap. This is what happens when a car is a meccano set of sub assemblies of questionable accuracy! Iain
  10. Didn't know that! I thought the rad mounting brackets were welded on to the chassis. I was going to remove the front valance to clean and possibly repaint so I'll take a look. Iain
  11. I think it's going to be a bit of bonnet fiddling and radiator angle. Iain
  12. I'll perhaps play with the rubber cone height.
  13. More chaffing than a new pair of leather underpants......
  14. No the ears are pointing across car. It's obviously not hitting hard or there would be a witness on the bonnet outer but it's rubbed off all the inner side paint. Iain
  15. Metre long scaffold pole over the spanner and quick sharp push? It worked on my crank bolt. Iain
  16. I'm happy with those gaps, nothing will ever bind! What prompted me to investigate was a slight tinny rattle from the front of the car when accelerating at higher revs. At first I thought pinking but no evidence at wot from low revs and high gear. I think and hope it's the cap chattering against the bonnet. I've moved the rad now and I'll stick some thin HD foam on the cap and go for a spin tomorrow, the roads are jammed now, to see if the noise has gone🤞 Iain
  17. Finally got round to taking a peek at why there is a rub mark on the underside of the bonnet. It seems the rad cap is touching. I can't raise the front on the bonnet as it results in a 'effin great gap at the door/bonnet lower area so I looked to see if I could alter the height and angle of the rad. I can't lower the rad so I put packers at the mounting pads to angle to top forward. I tried this first as its difficult to assess as the rad cap is at an angle as is the bonnet. That was worse, although no visible mark on the outer bonnet face, so I angled the top rearwards which is better but still just gives a witness mark. I'm only looking for a couple of mill clearance so I'll try moving the rad rearwards but with the 12" sucker electric fan it's already mighty close to the water pump. Anyone else had this problem. Note I have a Bastuck rad. Photos of current gaps. Iain
  18. Sorts out the true friends from just acquaintances!
  19. Numb bum and bad back after two days in a Vitesse or any of our Triumphs and baked beans are banned🌬️ Iain
  20. I can't remember, my late teens and twenties are an alcoholic fuzz🍻🍺 Iain 🤪
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